marshaling: (Un)marshal a Learner

marshalingR Documentation

(Un)marshal a Learner


Marshaling is the process of processing the model of a trained Learner so it an be successfully serialized and deserialized. The naming is inspired by the marshal package and we plan to fully migrate to this package once it is on CRAN. The current implementation should therfore be considered as a temporary solution and is likely to change in the future.

The central functions (and the only methods that are used by mlr3 internally) are:

  • the S3 generic marshal_model(model, inplace, ...). Which takes in a model and returns it in marshaled form. This means, that the resulting object can be serialized and de-serialzed without loss of information. If a model is serializable anyway, nothing has to be implemented and the generic will fall back to the default implementation of marshal_model, which is to return the object as-is. Otherwise, the marshaled object should be a list with named elements marshaled and packages, where the former contains the marshaled object, and the latter the package that contains the packages required to unmarshal. Most importantly, this list should contain the package that contains the unmarshal_model method. The returned object should have the classes of the original object with the suffix "_marshaled" appended and the root class should be set to "marshaled".

  • the S3 generic ⁠unmarshal_model(model, inplace ...)⁠. Which takes in the marshaled model and returns it in unmarshaled form. The generic takes care that the packages specified during "marshal" are loaded, and errs if they are not availabe. Calling this function on a marshaled model should reconstruct the original model, i.e. unmarshal_model(marshal_model(x)) should return x. The default implementation of this generic returns x as-is.

  • the function is_marshaled_model(model). This (helper) function returns TRUE if the model inherits from class "marshaled" and FALSE otherwise. Note that it is not guarateed that is_marshaled_model(marshal_model(x)) returns TRUE. This is because the default marshal_model(x) returns x as-is.

For both marshal_model and unmarshal_model, the inplace argument determines whether in-place marshaling should be performed. This is especially relevant in the context of references semantics. If inplace is FALSE, the original input should not be modified, otherwise this is allowed. Note that the input and output can still share references, even when inplace is FALSE.


learner_unmarshal(.learner, ...)

learner_marshal(.learner, ...)


marshal_model(model, inplace = FALSE, ...)

unmarshal_model(model, inplace = FALSE, ...)




The learner.


Additional parameters, currently unused.


Model to marshal.


Whether to marshal in-place.

Implementing Marshaling

In order to implement marshaling for a Learner, you need to overload the marshal_model and unmarshal_model methods for the class of the learner's model and tag the learner with the "marshal" property. To make marshaling accessible in an R6-manner, you should also add the public methods ⁠$marshal()⁠, ⁠$unmarshal()⁠ and the active binding ⁠$marshaled⁠. To make this as convenient as possible, the functions learner_marshal(.learner, ...), learner_unmarshal(.learner, ...) and learner_marshaled(.learner) are provided and can be called from the public methods.

You can verify whether you have correctly implemented marshaling by using the internal test helper expect_marshalable_learner(learner, task). This is also run by expect_learner() if a task is provided.

For a concrete example on how to implement marshaling, see LearnerClassifDebug.

mlr3 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:11 p.m.