
From the high-level mmrm() interface, common changes to the default function call can be specified.

Control Function

For fine control, mmrm_control() is provided. This function allows the user to choose the adjustment method for the degrees of freedom and the coefficients covariance matrix, specify optimization routines, number of cores to be used on Unix systems for trying several optimizers in parallel, provide a vector of starting parameter values, decide the action to be taken when the defined design matrix is singular, not drop unobserved visit levels. For example:

  method = "Kenward-Roger",
  optimizer = c("L-BFGS-B", "BFGS"),
  n_cores = 2,
  start = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0),
  accept_singular = FALSE,
  drop_visit_levels = FALSE

Note that this control list can either be passed via the control argument to mmrm, or selected controls can be directly specified in the mmrm call. We will see this below.

Starting Values

The starting values will affect the optimization result. A better starting value usually can make the optimization more efficient. In mmrm we provide two starting value functions, one is std_start and the other is emp_start. std_start will try to use the identity matrix as the covariance, however there are convergence problems for ar1 and ar1h if the identity matrix is provided, thus for these two covariance structures we use $\rho=0.5$ instead. emp_start will try to use the empirical covariance matrix of the residuals of the ordinary least squares model as the starting value for unstructured covariance structure. If some timepoints are missing from data, identity matrix will be used for that submatrix. The correlation between existing and non-existing timepoints are set to 0.

As the starting values will affect the result, please be cautious on choosing the starting values.

Example of Default Starting Value Fails

Here we provide an example where the std_start fails. In the following code chunk, we will create a dummy dataset for mmrm analysis.

gen_data <- function(
    n = 100,
    mu = -100 / 52,
    delta = 50 / 52,
    mua = 2000,
    sigmaa = 300,
    sigmab = 60,
    corab = 0.2,
    sigma = 10,
    times = c(0, 2, 6, 12, 24, 36, 52, 70, 88, 104)) {
  nt <- length(times)
  out <- data.frame(
    pts = rep(seq_len(n * 2), each = nt),
    trt = rep(c("Treatment", "Placebo"), rep(n * nt, 2)),
    time = rep(times, n * 2)

  covab <- corab * sigmaa * sigmab # cov between a and b
  cov <- matrix(c(sigmaa^2, covab, covab, sigmab^2), ncol = 2) # Cov matrix for the slope and intercept
  si <- rbind(
    MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(mua, mu + delta), Sigma = cov),
    MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(mua, mu + delta), Sigma = cov)
  idx <- rep(seq_len(n * 2), each = nt)
  out$fev1 <- si[idx, 1] + si[idx, 2] * times + rnorm(n * nt * 2, sd = sigma)
  out$trt <- factor(out$trt)
  out$time <- factor(out$time)
  out$pts <- factor(out$pts)
out <- gen_data()

In the generated data, the variance is not in the same scale across visits.

vapply(split(out$fev1, out$time), sd, FUN.VALUE = 1)

Using emp_start as the starting value, mmrm will converge fast.

mmrm(fev1 ~ trt * time + us(time | pts), data = out, start = emp_start)

However, if we use std_start, there will be convergence problems. We can also force a specific optimization algorithm and add control details, here e.g. choosing nlminb with increased maximum number of function evaluations and iterations.

  fev1 ~ trt * time + us(time | pts),
  data = out,
  start = std_start,
  optimizer = "nlminb",
  optimizer_control = list(eval.max = 1000, iter.max = 1000)


Users can specify if REML should be used (default) or if ML should be used in optimization.

fit_ml <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  reml = FALSE


Users can specify which optimizer should be used, changing from the default of four optimizers, which starts with L-BFGS-B and proceeds through the other choices if optimization fails to converge. Other choices are BFGS, CG, nlminb and other user-defined custom optimizers.

L-BFGS-B, BFGS and CG are all implemented with stats::optim() and the Hessian is not used, while nlminb is using stats::nlminb() which in turn uses both the gradient and the Hessian (by default but can be switch off) for the optimization.

fit_opt <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  optimizer = "BFGS"

Covariance Structure

Covariance structures supported by the mmrm are being continuously developed. For a complete list and description please visit the covariance vignette. Below we see the function call for homogeneous compound symmetry (cs).

fit_cs <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + cs(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  reml = FALSE

The time points have to be unique for each subject. That is, there cannot be time points with multiple observations for any subject. The rationale is that these observations would need to be correlated, but it is not possible within the currently implemented covariance structure framework to do that correctly. Moreover, for non-spatial covariance structures, the time variable must be coded as a factor.


Users can perform weighted MMRM by specifying a numeric vector weights with positive values.

fit_wt <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  weights = fev_data$WEIGHT

Grouped Covariance Structure

Grouped covariance structures are supported by themmrm package. Covariance matrices for each group are identically structured (unstructured, compound symmetry, etc) but the estimates are allowed to vary across groups. We use the form cs(time | group / subject) to specify the group variable.

Here is an example of how we use ARMCD as group variable.

fit_cs <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + cs(AVISIT | ARMCD / USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  reml = FALSE

We can see that the estimated covariance matrices are different in different ARMCD groups.

Adjustment Method

In additional to the residual and Between-Within degrees of freedom, both Satterthwaite and Kenward-Roger adjustment methods are available. The default is Satterthwaite adjustment of the degrees of freedom. To use e.g. the Kenward-Roger adjustment of the degrees of freedom as well as the coefficients covariance matrix, use the method argument:

A list of all allowed method is

  1. "Kenward-Roger"
  2. "Satterthwaite"
  3. "Residual"
  4. "Between-Within"
fit_kr <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  method = "Kenward-Roger"

Note that this requires reml = TRUE, i.e. Kenward-Roger adjustment is not possible when using maximum likelihood inference. While this adjustment choice is not visible in the print() result of the fitted model (because the initial model fit is not affected by the choice of the adjustment method), looking at the summary we see the method and the correspondingly adjusted standard errors and degrees of freedom:


For one-dimensional contrasts as in the coefficients table above, the degrees of freedom are the same for Kenward-Roger and Satterthwaite. However, Kenward-Roger uses adjusted standard errors, hence the p-values are different.

Note that if you would like to match SAS results for an unstructured covariance model, you can use the linear Kenward-Roger approximation:

fit_kr_lin <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  method = "Kenward-Roger",
  vcov = "Kenward-Roger-Linear"

This is due to the different parametrization of the unstructured covariance matrix, see the Kenward-Roger vignette for details.

Variance-covariance for Coefficients

There are multiple variance-covariance estimator available for the coefficients, including:

  1. "Asymptotic"
  2. "Empirical" (Cluster Robust Sandwich)
  3. "Empirical-Jackknife"
  4. "Empirical-Bias-Reduced"
  5. "Kenward-Roger"
  6. "Kenward-Roger-Linear"

Please note that, not all combinations of variance-covariance for coefficients and method of degrees of freedom are possible, e.g. "Kenward-Roger" and "Kenward-Roger-Linear" are available only when the degrees of freedom method is "Kenward-Roger".

Details can be found in Coefficients Covariance Matrix Adjustment vignette and Weighted Least Square Empirical Covariance.

An example of using other variance-covariance is:

fit_emp <- mmrm(
  formula = FEV1 ~ RACE + ARMCD * AVISIT + us(AVISIT | USUBJID),
  data = fev_data,
  method = "Satterthwaite",
  vcov = "Empirical"

Keeping Unobserved Visits

Sometimes not all possible time points are observed in a given data set. When using a structured covariance matrix, e.g. with auto-regressive structure, then it can be relevant to keep the correct distance between the observed time points.

Consider the following example where we have deliberately removed the VIS3 observations from our initial example data set fev_data to obtain sparse_data. We first fit the model where we do not drop the visit level explicitly, using the drop_visit_levels = FALSE choice. Second we fit the model by default without this option.

sparse_data <- fev_data[fev_data$AVISIT != "VIS3", ]
sparse_result <- mmrm(
  data = sparse_data,
  drop_visit_levels = FALSE

dropped_result <- mmrm(
  data = sparse_data

We see that we get a message about the dropped visit level by default. Now we can compare the estimated correlation matrices:


We see that when using the default, second result, we just drop the VIS3 from the covariance matrix. As a consequence, we model the correlation between VIS2 and VIS4 the same as the correlation between VIS1 and VIS2. Hence we get a smaller correlation estimate here compared to the first result, which includes VIS3 explicitly.

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