h_get_kr_comp: Obtain Kenward-Roger Adjustment Components

View source: R/kenwardroger.R

h_get_kr_compR Documentation

Obtain Kenward-Roger Adjustment Components


Obtains the components needed downstream for the computation of Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom. Used in mmrm() fitting if method is "Kenward-Roger".


h_get_kr_comp(tmb_data, theta)



produced by h_mmrm_tmb_data().


theta estimate.


the function returns a named list, P, Q and R, which corresponds to the paper in 1997. The matrices are stacked in columns so that P, Q and R has the same column number(number of beta parameters). The number of rows, is dependent on the total number of theta and number of groups, if the fit is a grouped mmrm. For P matrix, it is stacked sequentially. For Q and R matrix, it is stacked so that the Q_{ij} and R_{ij} is stacked from j then to i, i.e. R_{i1}, R_{i2}, etc. Q and R only contains intra-group results and inter-group results should be all zero matrices so they are not stacked in the result.


Named list with elements:

  • P: matrix of P component.

  • Q: matrix of Q component.

  • R: matrix of R component.

mmrm documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:14 a.m.