h_get_optimizers: Obtain Optimizer according to Optimizer String Value

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h_get_optimizersR Documentation

Obtain Optimizer according to Optimizer String Value


This function creates optimizer functions with arguments.


  optimizer = c("L-BFGS-B", "BFGS", "CG", "nlminb"),
  optimizer_fun = h_optimizer_fun(optimizer),
  optimizer_args = list(),
  optimizer_control = list()



names of built-in optimizers to try, subset of "L-BFGS-B", "BFGS", "CG" and "nlminb".


(function or list of function)
alternatively to optimizer, an optimizer function or a list of optimizer functions can be passed directly here.


additional arguments for optimizer_fun.


passed to argument control in optimizer_fun.


If you want to use only the built-in optimizers:

  • optimizer is a shortcut to create a list of built-in optimizer functions passed to optimizer_fun.

  • Allowed are "L-BFGS-B", "BFGS", "CG" (using stats::optim() with corresponding method) and "nlminb" (using stats::nlminb()).

  • Other arguments should go into optimizer_args.

If you want to use your own optimizer function:

  • Make sure that there are three arguments: parameter (start value), objective function and gradient function are sequentially in the function arguments.

  • If there are other named arguments in front of these, make sure they are correctly specified through optimizer_args.

  • If the hessian can be used, please make sure its argument name is hessian and please add attribute use_hessian = TRUE to the function, using ⁠attr(fun, "use_hessian) <- TRUE⁠.


Named list of optimizers created by h_partial_fun_args().

mmrm documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:14 a.m.