Man pages for modeLLtest
Compare Models with Cross-Validated Log-Likelihood

cvdmCross-Validated Difference in Means (CVDM) Test
cvdm_objectCross-Validated Difference in Means (CVDM) Object
cvllCross-Validated Log Likelihood (CVLL)
cvlldiffCross-Validated Difference in Means (CVDM) Test with Vector...
cvlldiff_objectCross-Validated Difference in Means (CVDM) Object from...
cvll_objectCross-Validated Log-Likelihood (CVLL) Object
cvmfCross-Validated Median Fit (CVMF) Test
cvmf_objectCross-Validated Median Fit (CVMF) Object
govtformData from Golder (2010) on government formation in Western...
modeLLtestmodeLLtest Overview
nepaldemData from Joshi and Mason (2008) on voter turnout in Nepal
modeLLtest documentation built on May 6, 2022, 1:05 a.m.