cvmf_object: Cross-Validated Median Fit (CVMF) Object

cvmf_objectR Documentation

Cross-Validated Median Fit (CVMF) Object


This class of objects is returned by the cvmf function to test between the partial likelihood maximization (PLM) and the iteratively reweighted robust (IRR) method of estimation for a given application of the Cox model.


The following components must be included in a legitimate cvmf object.


name of the model of estimation favored by the cvmf test.


p-value of the binomial test used to test between estimation models.


full output of the binomial test used to test between estimation methods. See documentation for binom.test for more information.


names of the coefficients.


full output for the iteratively reweighted robust (IRR) method of estimating the Cox model. See documentation for coxr in the package coxrobust for more information.


full output for the partial likelihood maximization (PLM) method of estimating the Cox model. See documentation for coxph in the package survival for more information.


estimates obtained from IRR method of estimating the Cox model. See documentation for coxr in the package coxrobust for more information.


estimates obtained from PLM method of estimating the Cox model. See documentation for coxph in the package survival for more information.


observation-wise contributions to the log-partial likelihood for IRR method of estimating the Cox model. See Desmarais and Hardin (Political Analysis 20:113-135, 2012) for more about the test and Verweij and Houwelingen (Statistics in Medicine 12(24): 2305–14, 1993) for more about the measure


observation-wise contributions to the log-partial likelihood for PLM method of estimating the Cox model. See Desmarais and Hardin (Political Analysis 20:113-135, 2012) for more about the test and Verweij and Houwelingen (Statistics in Medicine 12(24): 2305–14, 1993) for more about the measure

The object also contain the following: call, x, and y.

See Also


modeLLtest documentation built on May 6, 2022, 1:05 a.m.