Man pages for modehunt
Multiscale Analysis for Density Functions

blocksComputes number of observations for each block
criticalValuesAllCompute critical values based on the set of all intervals
criticalValuesApproxCompute critical values for (1) the original test statistic...
cvModeAllCritical values for test statistic based on all intervals
cvModeApproxCritical values for test statistic based on the approximating...
cvModeBlockCritical values for test statistic based on the block...
linPerturbed Uniform Distribution
minimalIntervalsCompute set of minimal intervals
modeHuntingMultiscale analysis of a density on all possible intervals
modeHuntingApproxMultiscale analysis of a density on the approximating set of...
modeHuntingBlockMultiscale analysis of a density via block procedure
modehunt-packageMultiscale Analysis for Density Functions
myRoundRound 5 up to the next higher integer
preProcessXPrepare data vector according to available information on...
modehunt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:31 a.m.