Man pages for modelsummary
Summary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data: Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-Ready

AllInclude all columns of a dataframe.
AllObsDisplay all observations in a table.
Arguments'Arguments' pseudo-function
coef_renameRename model terms
colLabelsRetrieve or modify the row or column labels.
config_modelsummaryPersistent user settings for the 'modelsummary' package
datasummarySummary tables using 2-sided formulae: crosstabs,...
datasummary_balanceBalance table: Summary statistics for different subsets of...
datasummary_correlationGenerate a correlation table for all numeric variables in...
datasummary_correlation_formatFormat the content of a correlation table
datasummary_crosstabCross tabulations for categorical variables
datasummary_dfDraw a table from a data.frame
datasummary_skimQuick overview of numeric or categorical variables
DropEmpty'DropEmpty' pseudo-function
dsummary'dsummary()' is a shortcut to 'datasummary()'
dvnamesTitle models with their dependent variables
escape_htmlEscape problematic characters to allow display in HTML
escape_latexEscape problematic characters to allow compilation in LaTeX
escape_stringMake sure LaTeX and HTML are safe to compile
FactorUse a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
fmt_decimalRounding with decimal digits in the 'fmt' argument
fmt_equivalenceRounding with number of digits determined by an equivalence...
fmt_sciRounding using scientific notation
fmt_significantRounding with significant digits in the 'fmt' argument
fmt_sprintfRounding with the 'sprintf()' function in the 'fmt' argument
fmt_statisticRounding with decimal digits on a per-statistic basis in the...
fmt_termRounding with decimal digits on a per-term basis in the 'fmt'...
FormatUse a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
get_estimatesExtract model estimates in a tidy format.
get_gofExtract goodness-of-fit statistics a tidy format.
get_gof_broomExtract goodness-of-fit statistics from a single model using...
get_gof_parametersExtract goodness-of-fit statistics from a single model using...
get_vcovAllow users to override uncertainty estimates
get_vcov.mlmAllow users to override uncertainty estimates
glance_customExtract custom information from a model object and turn it...
glance_custom_internalAvoid namespace conflict when we want to customize glance...
glance_custom_internal.defaultAvoid namespace conflict when we want to customize glance...
glance_custom_internal.lmAvoid namespace conflict when we want to customize glance...
gof_mapData.frame used to clean up and format goodness-of-fit...
Heading'Heading' pseudo-function
Histogramdatasummary statistic shortcut
hushExecute code silently
labelSubsetAdd a label to a logical vector.
map_estimatesrename and reorder estimates from a _single_ model (before...
map_gofInternal function to subset, rename and re-order gof...
Maxdatasummary statistic shortcut
Meandatasummary statistic shortcut
Mediandatasummary statistic shortcut
Mindatasummary statistic shortcut
modelplotModel Summary Plots with Estimates and Confidence Intervals
modelsummaryModel Summary Tables
modelsummary_wideSuperseded function
msummary'msummary()' is a shortcut to 'modelsummary()'
MulticolumnUse a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
Ndatasummary statistic shortcut
Ncoldatasummary statistic shortcut
NPercentdatasummary statistic shortcut
NUniquedatasummary statistic shortcut
P0datasummary statistic shortcut
P100datasummary statistic shortcut
P25datasummary statistic shortcut
P50datasummary statistic shortcut
P75datasummary statistic shortcut
PasteGenerate terms to paste values together in table.
PercentPseudo-function to compute a statistic relative to a...
PercentMissingdatasummary statistic shortcut
PlusMinusGenerate 'x +/- y' terms in table.
reexportstidy generic
RowFactorUse a variable as a factor to give rows in a table.
rowLabelsRetrieve or modify the row or column labels.
RowNumDisplay all observations in a table.
SDdatasummary statistic shortcut
supported_modelsList of model objects from which 'modelsummary' can extract...
tidy_customExtract custom information from a model object and turn it...
tidy_custom_internalAvoid namespace conflict when we want to customize glance...
tidy_custom_internal.defaultAvoid namespace conflict when we want to customize glance...
update_modelsummaryUpdate 'modelsummary' and its dependencies
Vardatasummary statistic shortcut
modelsummary documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:44 p.m.