API for modelsummary
Summary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data: Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-Ready

Global functions
.onAttach Source code
All Man page
AllObs Man page
Arguments Man page
DinM Source code
DropEmpty Man page
Factor Man page
Format Man page
Heading Man page
Histogram Man page Source code
Max Man page Source code
Mean Man page Source code
Median Man page Source code
Min Man page Source code
Multicolumn Man page
N Man page Source code
NPercent Man page Source code
NUnique Man page Source code
Ncol Man page Source code
P0 Man page Source code
P100 Man page Source code
P25 Man page Source code
P50 Man page Source code
P75 Man page Source code
Paste Man page
Percent Man page
PercentMissing Man page Source code
PlusMinus Man page
RowFactor Man page
RowNum Man page
SD Man page Source code
Var Man page Source code
align_str_center Source code
align_str_left Source code
align_str_right Source code
bind_cols Source code
bind_est_gof Source code
bind_rows Source code
carry_forward Source code
check_dependency Source code
clean_stars Source code
coef_map_felm_iv Source code
coef_rename Man page Source code
coef_rename_labels Source code
colLabels Man page
config_delete Source code
config_get Source code
config_modelsummary Man page Source code
config_read Source code
correlation_pearspear Source code
datasummary Man page Source code
datasummary_balance Man page Source code
datasummary_correlation Man page Source code
datasummary_correlation_format Man page Source code
datasummary_crosstab Man page Source code
datasummary_df Man page Source code
datasummary_extract Source code
datasummary_skim Man page Source code
datasummary_skim_categorical Source code
datasummary_skim_dataset Source code
datasummary_skim_numeric Source code
dedup Source code
do_call Man page Source code
dsummary Man page
dvnames Man page Source code
escape_everything Source code
escape_html Man page
escape_latex Man page
escape_string Man page Source code
factory Source code
factory_DT Source code
factory_dataframe Source code
factory_flextable Source code
factory_gt Source code
factory_huxtable Source code
factory_kableExtra Source code
factory_markdown Source code
factory_tinytable Source code
factory_typst Source code
fixest_multi_names Source code
flatten Source code
fmt_decimal Man page Source code
fmt_equivalence Man page Source code
fmt_function Source code
fmt_identity Source code
fmt_labels_md Source code
fmt_mathmode Source code
fmt_nainf Source code
fmt_sci Man page Source code
fmt_significant Man page Source code
fmt_sprintf Man page Source code
fmt_statistic Man page Source code
fmt_term Man page Source code
format_estimates Source code
format_gof Source code
format_msg Source code
full_join Source code
get_estimates Man page Source code
get_estimates_broom Source code
get_estimates_parameters Source code
get_factory_name Source code
get_gof Man page Source code
get_gof_broom Man page Source code
get_gof_parameters Man page Source code
get_list_of_modelsummary_lists Source code
get_span_cbind Source code
get_span_gt Source code
get_span_kableExtra Source code
get_variable_labels_data Source code
get_variable_labels_models Source code
get_vcov Man page Source code
get_vcov.default Source code
get_vcov.mlm Man page Source code
glance Man page
glance.modelsummary_list Source code
glance_custom Man page Source code
glance_custom.default Source code
glance_custom_internal Man page Source code
glance_custom_internal.MP Source code
glance_custom_internal.default Man page Source code
glance_custom_internal.felm Source code
glance_custom_internal.fixest Source code
glance_custom_internal.lm Man page Source code
glance_custom_internal.lm_robust Source code
gof_map Man page
gof_map_build Source code
hush Man page Source code
inner_join Source code
is_df_or_vector Source code Source code
is_named Source code
is_nested Source code
join_message Source code
join_worker Source code
labelSubset Man page
left_join Source code
make_stars Source code
make_stars_note Source code
map_estimates Man page Source code
map_gof Man page Source code
modelplot Man page Source code
modelsummary Man page Source code
modelsummary_rbind Source code
modelsummary_wide Man page Source code
msummary Man page
names_are_invalid Source code
pad Source code
print.modelsummary_markdown Source code
print.modelsummary_string Source code
reconstruct_attrs Source code
reconstruct_attrs.data.frame Source code
reconstruct_attrs_dispatch Source code
redundant_labels Source code
reexports Man page
remove_attributes Source code
rename_statistics Source code
replace_dict Source code
right_join Source code
rowLabels Man page
sanitize_conf_level Source code
sanitize_datasummary_balance_data Source code
sanitize_escape Source code
sanitize_estimate Source code
sanitize_exponentiate Source code
sanitize_fmt Source code
sanitize_gof_map Source code
sanitize_models Source code
sanitize_output Source code
sanitize_shape Source code
sanitize_statistic Source code
sanitize_vcov Source code
sanity_add_columns Source code
sanity_add_rows Source code
sanity_align Source code
sanity_coef Source code
sanity_conf_level_modelplot Source code
sanity_dots Source code
sanity_ds_data Source code
sanity_ds_nesting_factor Source code
sanity_ds_right_handed_formula Source code
sanity_ellipsis Source code
sanity_factory Source code
sanity_gof Source code
sanity_group_map Source code
sanity_model_names Source code
sanity_notes Source code
sanity_stars Source code
sanity_tidy Source code
sanity_title Source code
set_span_cbind Source code
settings_cache Source code
settings_equal Source code
settings_get Source code
settings_init Source code
settings_restore Source code
settings_rm Source code
settings_set Source code
shape_estimates Source code
sparsify Source code
squash Source code
strip_labels Source code
supported_models Man page Source code
theme_ms_flextable Source code
theme_ms_gt Source code
theme_ms_huxtable Source code
theme_ms_kableExtra Source code
tidy Man page
tidy.modelsummary_list Source code
tidy_custom Man page Source code
tidy_custom.default Source code
tidy_custom_internal Man page Source code
tidy_custom_internal.default Man page Source code
tidy_felm_iv Source code
typstable Source code
update_modelsummary Man page Source code
warn_once Source code
weighted_sd Source code
modelsummary documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:44 p.m.