
Defines functions factory_kableExtra

#' Internal function to build table with `kableExtra`
#' @inheritParams factory_gt
#' @noRd
#' @return kableExtra object
factory_kableExtra <- function(tab,
                               align = NULL,
                               hrule = NULL,
                               hgroup = NULL,
                               hindent = FALSE,
                               notes = NULL,
                               title = NULL,
                               escape = TRUE,
                               ...) {


  output_format <- settings_get("output_format")

  span_list <- get_span_kableExtra(tab)

  # escape
  if (isTRUE(escape) && isTRUE(output_format %in% c("latex", "html", "typst"))) {
    tmp <- escape_everything(
      tab = tab,
      output_format = output_format,
      span_list = span_list,
      title = title,
      notes = notes)
    tab <- tmp$tab
    title <- tmp$title
    notes <- tmp$notes
    span_list <- tmp$span_list

  # new variable "kable_format" because "kableExtra" and "html" both produce
  # html, but we need to distinguish the two.
  if (settings_equal("output_format", c("latex", "latex_tabular"))) {
    kable_format <- "latex"
  } else if (settings_equal("output_format", "markdown")) {
    kable_format <- "markdown"
  } else {
    kable_format <- "html"

  ## don't print row.names
  row.names(tab) <- NULL

  # kbl arguments
  valid <- c("x", "align", "caption", "format", "booktabs", "linesep",
             "format.args", "escape", "table.attr", "longtable", "valign",
             "position", "centering", "vline", "toprule", "bottomrule",
             "midrule", "caption.short", "table.envir", "col.names")

  arguments <- c(
    "caption"   = title,
    "format"    = kable_format,
    "booktabs"  = TRUE,
    "escape" = FALSE, # never use kableExtra's default escape; inconsistent
    "linesep"   = "",
    "row.names" = NULL

  ## siunitx in preamble
  extra_siunitx <- "
    parse-numbers = false,
  if (settings_equal("output_format", c("latex", "latex_tabular")) &&
      settings_equal("format_numeric_latex", "siunitx")) {
      rmarkdown::latex_dependency("siunitx", extra_lines = extra_siunitx))))

  ## align
  if (!is.null(align)) {
    for (i in seq_along(align)) {
      if (align[i] == "d") {
        if (settings_equal("output_format", c("latex", "latex_tabular"))) {
          ## protect strings from siunitx
          tab[[i]] <- ifelse(!grepl("[0-9]", tab[[i]]), sprintf("{%s}", tab[[i]]), tab[[i]]) 
        } else {
          tab[[i]] <- ifelse(grepl("[0-9]", tab[[i]]), sprintf("$%s$", tab[[i]]), tab[[i]])
    if (any(grepl("d", align))) {
      ## protect column labels
      colnames(tab)[align == "d"] <- sprintf("{%s}", colnames(tab)[align == "d"])
    arguments[["align"]] <- align

  # Issue #669: <0.001 gets printed as a tag in HTML
  if (settings_equal("output_format", c("kableExtra", "html"))) {
    for (i in seq_along(tab)) {
      idx <- grepl("<[^>]*$", tab[[i]]) | grepl("^[^<]*>", tab[[i]])
      # Brackets are not matching, perform substitution
      tab[[i]][idx] <- gsub("<", "&lt;", tab[[i]][idx])
      tab[[i]][idx] <- gsub(">", "&gt;", tab[[i]][idx])

  # kableExtra sometimes converts (1), (2) to list items, which breaks formatting
  # insert think white non-breaking space
  if (settings_equal("output_format", c("html", "kableExtra"))) {
      regex <- paste0(paste(1:12, collapse = "|"), "|", paste(utils::as.roman(1:12), collapse = "|"))
      regex <- paste0("^\\(", regex, "\\)$")
      idx <- grepl(regex, colnames(tab))
      colnames(tab)[idx] <- paste0("&nbsp;", colnames(tab)[idx])

  # issue #761: only matters for shape
  colnames(tab) <- gsub(".*\\|\\|\\|\\|", "", colnames(tab))

  # create tables with combined arguments
  arguments <- arguments[base::intersect(names(arguments), valid)]
  arguments <- c(list(tab), arguments)
  out <- do.call(kableExtra::kbl, arguments)

  ## footnote arguments
  valid <- c("footnote_as_chunk", "escape", "threeparttable", "fixed_small_size", "symbol_manual", "title_format")
  arguments <- list(...)
  arguments <- arguments[base::intersect(names(arguments), valid)]

  ## kableExtra::footnote bug when adding multiple notes with threeparttable in LaTeX
  ## combine notes
  if (settings_equal("output_format", "latex") &&
      !is.null(notes) &&
      length(notes) > 1 &&
      "threeparttable" %in% names(arguments) &&
      isTRUE(arguments[["threeparttable"]])) {
      notes <- paste(notes, collapse = " ")

  ## user-supplied notes at the bottom of table
  if (!is.null(notes)) {
    ## kableExtra::footnote does not support markdown
    ## kableExtra::add_footnote does not support longtable
    if (settings_equal("output_format", c("kableExtra", "html", "latex"))) {
      if (isTRUE(kable_format == "latex") && any(grepl(" < ", notes))) {
        notes <- gsub(" < ", " $<$ ", notes)
      ## threeparttable only works with 1 note. But it creates a weird bug
      ## when using coef_map and stars in Rmarkdown PDF output
      arguments[["general"]] <- notes
      arguments[["general_title"]] <- ""
      arguments[["kable_input"]] <- out
      arguments[["escape"]] <- FALSE
      if (isTRUE(any(nchar(arguments$general) > 0))) {
        out <- do.call(kableExtra::footnote, arguments)
    } else if (settings_equal("output_format", "markdown")) {
      for (n in notes) {
        out <- kableExtra::add_footnote(out, label = n, notation = "none", escape = FALSE)

  # theme
  theme_ms <- getOption("modelsummary_theme_kableExtra",
                        default = theme_ms_kableExtra)
  out <- theme_ms(
    output_format = settings_get("output_format"),
    hrule = hrule,
    hgroup = hgroup,
    hindent = hindent,

  # span: apply (not supported in markdown)
  if (!is.null(span_list) && settings_equal("output_format", c("kableExtra", "latex", "html"))) {
    for (i in 1:length(span_list)) {
      sp <- span_list[[i]]
      names(span_list[[i]]) <- gsub("&nbsp;", " ", names(span_list[[i]]))
      out <- kableExtra::add_header_above(out, span_list[[i]], escape = TRUE)

  # html & latex get a new class to use print.modelsummary_string
  if (settings_equal("output_format", c("latex", "latex_tabular", "html"))) {
    class(out) <- c("modelsummary_string", class(out))

  # output
  if (is.null(settings_get("output_file"))) {
  } else {
    if (settings_equal("output_format", "markdown")) {
      writeLines(paste(out, collapse = "\n"), con = settings_get("output_file"))
    } else {
      kableExtra::save_kable(out, file = settings_get("output_file"))

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modelsummary documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:19 a.m.