modeltime_resample_accuracy: Calculate Accuracy Metrics from Modeltime Resamples

View source: R/modeltime_resample_accuracy.R

modeltime_resample_accuracyR Documentation

Calculate Accuracy Metrics from Modeltime Resamples


This is a wrapper for yardstick that simplifies time series regression accuracy metric calculations from a Modeltime Table that has been resampled and fitted using modeltime_fit_resamples().


  summary_fns = mean,
  metric_set = default_forecast_accuracy_metric_set(),



a Modeltime Table with a column '.resample_results' (the output of modeltime_fit_resamples())


One or more functions to analyze resamples. The default is mean(). Possible values are:

  • NULL, to returns the resamples untransformed.

  • A function, e.g. mean.

  • A purrr-style lambda, e.g. ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)

  • A list of functions/lambdas, e.g. list(mean = mean, sd = sd)


A yardstick::metric_set() that is used to summarize one or more forecast accuracy (regression) metrics.


Additional arguments passed to the function calls in summary_fns.


#' Default Accuracy Metrics

The following accuracy metrics are included by default via modeltime::default_forecast_accuracy_metric_set():

  • MAE - Mean absolute error, yardstick::mae()

  • MAPE - Mean absolute percentage error, yardstick::mape()

  • MASE - Mean absolute scaled error, yardstick::mase()

  • SMAPE - Symmetric mean absolute percentage error, yardstick::smape()

  • RMSE - Root mean squared error, yardstick::rmse()

  • RSQ - R-squared, yardstick::rsq()

Summary Functions

By default, modeltime_resample_accuracy() returns the average accuracy metrics for each resample prediction.

The user can change this default behavior using summary_fns. Simply pass one or more Summary Functions. Internally, the functions are passed to dplyr::across(.fns), which applies the summary functions.

Returning Unsummarized Results

You can pass summary_fns = NULL to return unsummarized results by .resample_id.

Professional Tables (Interactive & Static)

Use modeltime::table_modeltime_accuracy() to format the results for reporting in reactable (interactive) or gt (static) formats, which are perfect for Shiny Apps (interactive) and PDF Reports (static).



# Mean (Default)
m750_training_resamples_fitted %>%
    modeltime_resample_accuracy() %>%
    table_modeltime_accuracy(.interactive = FALSE)

# Mean and Standard Deviation
m750_training_resamples_fitted %>%
        summary_fns = list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
    ) %>%
    table_modeltime_accuracy(.interactive = FALSE)

# When summary_fns = NULL, returns the unsummarized resample results
m750_training_resamples_fitted %>%
        summary_fns = NULL

modeltime.resample documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:31 a.m.