Man pages for moderndive
Tidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear Regression

alaska_flightsAlaska flights data
almonds_bowlChocolate-covered almonds data
almonds_sample_100Chocolate-covered almonds data sample
amazon_booksSample of Amazon books
avocadosAvocado Prices by US Region
babiesData on maternal smoking and infant health
bowlA sampling bowl of red and white balls
bowl_sample_1Tactile sample of size 50 from a bowl of balls
bowl_samplesSampling from a bowl of balls
coffee_ratingsData from the Coffee Quality Institute's review pages in...
DD_vs_SBDunkin Donuts vs Starbucks
early_january_2023_weatherEarly January hourly weather data for 2023
early_january_weatherEarly January hourly weather data
envoy_flightsEnvoy Air flights data for 2023
evalsTeaching evaluations at the UT Austin
ev_chargingElectric vehicle charging sessions for a workplace charging...
geom_categorical_modelRegression model with one categorical explanatory/predictor...
geom_parallel_slopesParallel slopes regression model
get_correlationGet correlation value in a tidy way
get_regression_pointsGet regression points
get_regression_summariesGet regression summary values
get_regression_tableGet regression table
gg_parallel_slopesPlot parallel slopes model
house_pricesHouse Sales in King County, USA
ipf_liftsInternational Power Lifting Results A subset of international...
mario_kart_auctionData from Mario Kart Ebay auctions
MA_schoolsMassachusetts Public High Schools Data
mass_traffic_20202020 road traffic volume and crash level date for 13...
ma_traffic_2020_vs_2019Massachusetts 2020 vs. 2019 Traffic Data Comparison
moderndivemoderndive - Tidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear...
movies_sampleRandom sample of 68 action and romance movies
mythbusters_yawnData from Mythbusters' study on contagiousness of yawning
orig_pennies_sampleA random sample of 40 pennies sampled from the 'pennies' data...
penniesA population of 800 pennies sampled in 2011
pennies_resamplesBootstrap resamples of a sample of 50 pennies
pennies_sampleA sample of 50 pennies
pipePipe operator
promotionsBank manager recommendations based on (binary) gender
promotions_shuffledOne permutation/shuffle of promotions
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
saratoga_housesHouse Prices and Properties in Saratoga, New York
tactile_prop_redTactile sampling from a tub of balls
moderndive documentation built on June 30, 2024, 9:06 a.m.