
Defines functions .testInternetConnection .testFormat .testTimeRangeAvDates .testTimeRange .testRoi .testLogin .testIfVarExists .testIfCollExists

#' @name .testIfCollExists
#' @title Test if collection specified exists
#' @noRd


  if(!inherits(collection,"character") || length(collection)!=1 ){stop("Argument collection must be a character string of length 1")}


    stop("The collection that you specified does not exist. Check mf_list_collections() to see which collections are implemented\n")


#' @name .testIfVarExists
#' @title Test if variable exists given other variables
#' @noRd


 diff_vars <- NULL
 diff_vars <- setdiff(specified_variables,existing_variables)
 if(length(diff_vars)>0){stop("Specified variables do not exist or are not extractable for the specified collection. Use the function mf_list_variables to check which variables are available and extractable for the collection\n")}


#  variables <- NULL
#  .testIfCollExists(collection)
#  .testLogin(credentials)
#  variables <- mf_list_variables(collection,credentials)
#  variables <- variables$name
#  .testIfVarExists2(variables,specified_variables)

#' @name .testLogin
#' @title Test login, else log
#' @noRd


  mf_login <- NULL

  if(!is.null(credentials) || is.null(getOption("earthdata_mf_login"))){
    mf_login <- mf_login(credentials,source = "earthdata")


#' @name .testRoi
#' @title Test roi
#' @noRd

  #if(!inherits(roi,"sf") || as.character(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(roi)))!="POLYGON" || !("id" %in% colnames(roi)) || !("geom" %in% colnames(roi)) || length(which(is.na(roi$id))) || length(which(is.na(roi$geom)))){stop("Argument roi must be an object of class sf or sfc with POLYGON-type feature geometry and at least two columns : 'id' and 'geom' that must not be NULL or NA")}
  if(!inherits(roi,"sf") || as.character(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(roi)))!="POLYGON" || !("id" %in% colnames(roi)) || length(which(is.na(roi$id))) ){stop("Argument roi must be an object of class sf or sfc with POLYGON-type feature geometry and at least two columns : 'id' and a geometry column that must not be NULL or NA")}

#' @name .testTimeRange
#' @title Test time range
#' @noRd

  if(!inherits(time_range,"Date") && !inherits(time_range,"POSIXlt") || length(time_range)>2 || is.na(time_range[1]) || is.na(time_range[2])){stop("Argument time_range is not of class Date or POSIXlt or is not of length 1 or 2 \n")}
  if(length(time_range)==2 && time_range[1] > time_range[2]){stop("Time end is superior to time start in time_range argument \n")}

#' @name .testTimeRangeAvDates
#' @title Test that time range provided is ok with the collection
#' @noRd

  if(time_range[1] < as.Date(start_date)){stop("First time frame in time_range argument is before the beginning of the mission\n")}

#' @name .testFormat
#' @title Test format
#' @noRd

  if(!(output_format %in% c("nc4","ascii","json"))){stop("Specified output format is not valid. Please specify a valid output format \n")}

#' @name .testInternetConnection
#' @title Test internet connection
#' @importFrom curl has_internet
#' @noRd

  if(!curl::has_internet()){stop("Internet connection is required. Are you connected to the Internet ?\n")}

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modisfast documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.