Man pages for mogavs
Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection in Regression

createAdditionalPlotsFunction for plotting boundaries of the archive set.
crimeDataCrime Data Set with Imputed Values
cv.mogavsk-Fold Crossvalidation for a mogavs model
getBestModelGet the best model with nvar variables, or by AIC, BIC or...
getBestModelVarsGet variable names of the best model with nvar variables, or...
mogavsMultiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection
mogavs-packagePackage for regression variable selection with genetic...
mogavsToLinearTransform a mogavs model into a linear model.
plotVarUsageProduce a visual summary of how many times each variable...
sampleDataSimulated Data Set for MOGA-VS
summary.mogavsSummary function for mogavs
mogavs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1 a.m.