
Defines functions null_ptr print.mongo_collection print.bson as.character.bson bson_to_list raw_to_bson bson_to_raw bson_to_json json_to_bson bson_or_json

# High level wrapper
#' @importFrom jsonlite validate
bson_or_json <- function(x, allowNull = FALSE){
  if(inherits(x, "bson")){
  } else if(is.character(x)) {
      stop("Invalid JSON object: ", substring(x, 1, 200))
    json_to_bson(paste(x, collapse = "\n"))
  } else if(is.null(x) && isTRUE(allowNull)){
  } else {
    stop("argument must be bson or json.")

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_json_to_bson
json_to_bson <- function(json = "{}"){
  .Call(R_json_to_bson, json)

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_bson_to_json
bson_to_json <- function(bson){
  .Call(R_bson_to_json, bson)

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_bson_to_raw
bson_to_raw <- function(bson){
  .Call(R_bson_to_raw, bson)

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_raw_to_bson
raw_to_bson <- function(bson){
  .Call(R_raw_to_bson, bson)

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_bson_to_list
bson_to_list <- function(bson){
  .Call(R_bson_to_list, bson)

#' @export
as.character.bson <- function(x, ...){

#' @export
print.bson <- function(x, ...){
  cat(paste0("BSON: ", as.character(x), "\n"));

#' @export
print.mongo_collection <- function(x, ...){
  cat(paste0("Mongo collection '", mongo_collection_name(x), "'\n"));

#' @useDynLib mongolite R_null_ptr
null_ptr <- function(x){
  .Call(R_null_ptr, x)

#setMethod("serialize", "bson", function(object, connection){
#  if(!missing(connection)) {
#    writeBin(bson_to_raw(object), connection)
#  } else {
#    bson_to_raw(object);
#  }

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mongolite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:57 a.m.