
#' monkeylearn_classify
#' Access to Monkeylearn classifiers modules
#' @param request A vector of characters (each text smaller than 50kB)
#' @param key The API key
#' @param classifier_id The ID of the classifier
#' @param texts_per_req Number of texts to be fed through per request (max 200). Does not affect output, but may affect speed of processing.
#' @param verbose Whether to output messages about batch requests
#' @param params Parameters for the module as a named list. See the second example.
#' @details Find IDs of classifiers using \url{https://app.monkeylearn.com/main/explore}.
#' You can use batch to send up to 200 texts to be analyzed within the API
#' (classification or extraction) with each request.
#' So for example, if you need to analyze 6000 tweets,
#' instead of doing 6000 requests to the API, you can use batch to send 30 requests,
#' each request with 200 tweets.
#' The function automatically makes these batch calls and waits if there is a throttle limit error,
#' but you might want to control the process yourself using several calls to the function.
#' You can check the number of calls you can still make in the API using \code{attr(output, "headers")$x.query.limit.remaining}
#' and \code{attr(output, "headers")$x.query.limit.limit}.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' text1 <- "my dog is an avid rice eater"
#' text2 <- "i want to buy an iphone"
#' request <- c(text1, text2)
#' output <- monkeylearn_classify(request)
#' output
#' attr(output, "headers")}
#' @return A data.frame (tibble) with the results whose attribute is a data.frame (tibble) "headers" including the number of remaining queries as "x.query.limit.remaining".
#' Both data.frames include a column with the (list of) md5 checksum(s) of the corresponding text(s) computed using the \code{digest digest} function.
#' @export

monkeylearn_classify <- function(request, key = monkeylearn_key(quiet = TRUE),
                                 classifier_id = "cl_oFKL5wft",
                                 texts_per_req = 200,
                                 verbose = TRUE,
                                 params = NULL) {
  if (verbose) {
    message("This function is in the process of being deprecated. We suggest you switch to monkey_classify.
More information available here: https://ropensci.github.io/monkeylearn/")

  # filter the blank requests
  length1 <- length(request)
  request <- monkeylearn_filter_blank(request)
  if (length(request) == 0) {
    warning("You only entered blank text in the request.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (length1 != length(request)) {
      message("The parts of your request that are only blank are not sent to the API.")
    # 20 texts per request
    request <- split(request, ceiling(seq_along(request) / texts_per_req))

    results <- NULL
    headers <- NULL

    for (i in seq_along(request)) {
      if (verbose) {
        message(paste0("Processing request number ", i, " out of ", length(request)))

      request_part <- monkeylearn_prep(

      output <- tryCatch(monkeylearn_get_classify(request_part, key, classifier_id))
      # for the case when the server returns nothing
      # try 5 times, not more
      try_number <- 1
      while (class(output) == "try-error" && try_number < 6) {
        message(paste0("Server returned nothing, trying again, try number", try_number))
        output <- tryCatch(monkeylearn_get_classify(request_part, key, classifier_id))
        try_number <- try_number + 1

      # check the output -- if it is 429 try again (throttle limit)
      # try 5 times, not more
      try_number <- 1
      while (!monkeylearn_check(output, try_number, verbose) &&
        try_number < 6) {
        output <- monkeylearn_get_classify(request_part, key, classifier_id)
        try_number <- try_number + 1
      # parse output
      output <- monkeylearn_parse(output, request_text = request[[i]])

      results <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(results, output$results))
      headers <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(headers, output$headers))

    # done!
    results <- tibble::as_tibble(results)
    attr(results, "headers") <- tibble::as_tibble(headers)

Try the monkeylearn package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

monkeylearn documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:24 a.m.