Man pages for monogeneaGM
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Monogenean Anchors

anglecheckAngle swept by a ray
anglePolygonInternal angles of a polygon
boxplotSortMedian-ordered box plot
colorBarAdd a color bar
estimated_ancestral_vaEstimated Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) coordinates...
heatmapAnnotAnnotated heat map
hsplotScatter plot with marginal histograms
liewi_gpaArray data of Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA)...
ligophorus_shapeShape variable data for 13 _Ligophorus_ species
ligophorus_tpsdataRaw landmark coordinate data for 13 _Ligophorus_ species
ligotreeMaximum likelihood tree for 13 _Ligophorus_ species
matrix2listPartitioning a matrix by row into objects of a list
matrix2list.2Partitioning a matrix by row labels into objects of a list
pca2dPrincipal component analyis
pcloadhmHeat map representation of principal component loadings of...
plotCircularCircular plot
plotLMScatter plot of Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA)...
polyVisWireframe plot of monogenean anchor
procrustesFitGeneralized Procrustes Analysis
procrustesFit.2Mass Extraction of Generalized Procrustes Analysis...
pwdistPairwise Euclidean distances between landmarks
pwed_pdPhysical distance between landmarks in ventral and dorsal...
QscoreData quality control
shapeEvoStatistical test of deviation from directional uniformity and...
spcolmapSpecies-color map
stdLMStandardization of landmark configuration by a reference...
tpColorPlot2dColor-annotated scatter plot with transparency control
tpColorPlot3dColor-annotated three-dimensional scatter plot with...
tpsReadReading tps files into R
va_meanMean Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) coordinates for...
monogeneaGM documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:18 p.m.