mop | R Documentation |
Analysis to calculate the mobility-oriented parity metric and other
sub-products to represent dissimilarities and non-analogous conditions
when comparing a set of reference conditions (M; m
) against another
set of conditions of interest (G; g
mop(m, g, type = "basic", calculate_distance = FALSE,
where_distance = "in_range", distance = "euclidean",
scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, fix_NA = TRUE, percentage = 1,
comp_each = 2000, tol = NULL, rescale_distance = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE, n_cores = NULL, progress_bar = TRUE)
m |
a |
g |
a |
type |
calculate_distance |
where_distance |
distance |
scale |
scaling options, |
center |
fix_NA |
percentage |
comp_each |
tol |
tolerance to detect linear dependencies when calculating
Mahalanobis distances. The default, NULL, uses |
rescale_distance |
parallel |
n_cores |
progress_bar |
options return results that differ in the detail of how non-analogous
conditions are identified.
basic - makes calculation as proposed by Owens et al. (2013) doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.04.011.
simple - calculates how many variables in the set of interest are non-analogous to those in the reference set.
detailed - calculates five additional extrapolation metrics. See
under Value
below for full details.
options determine what values should be used to calculate
in_range - only conditions inside m
out_range - only conditions outside m
all - all conditions
When the variables used to represent conditions have different units, scaling and centering are recommended. This step is only valid when Euclidean distances are used.
A object of class mop_results
summary - a list with details of the data used in the analysis:
variables - names of variables considered.
type - type of MOP analysis performed.
scale - value according to the argument scale
center - value according to the argument center
calculate_distance - value according to the argument
distance - option regarding distance used.
percentage - percentage of m
used as reference for
distance calculation.
rescale_distance - value according to the argument
fix_NA - value according to the argument fix_NA
N_m - total number of elements (cells with values or valid
rows) in m
N_g - total number of elements (cells with values or valid
rows) in g
m_ranges - matrix with ranges of variables in reference conditions
mop_distances - if calculate_distance
= TRUE, a SpatRaster or
vector with distance values for the set of interest (g
). Higher values
represent greater dissimilarity compared to the set of reference (m
mop_basic - a SpatRaster or vector, for the set of interest, representing conditions in which at least one of the variables is non-analogous to the set of reference. Values should be: 1 for non-analogous conditions, and NA for conditions inside the ranges of the reference set.
mop_simple - a SpatRaster or vector, for the set of interest, representing how many variables in the set of interest are non-analogous to those in the reference set. NA is used for conditions inside the ranges of the reference set.
mop_detailed - a list containing:
interpretation_combined - a data.frame to help identify combinations
of variables in towards_low_combined and towards_high_combined that
are non-analogous to m
towards_low_end - a SpatRaster or matrix for all variables representing where non-analogous conditions were found towards low values of each variable.
towards_high_end - a SpatRaster or matrix for all variables representing where non-analogous conditions were found towards high values of each variable.
towards_low_combined - a SpatRaster or vector with values representing the identity of the variables found to have non-analogous conditions towards low values. If vector, interpretation requires the use of the data.frame interpretation_combined.
towards_high_combined - a SpatRaster or vector with values representing the identity of the variables found to have non-analogous conditions towards high values. If vector, interpretation requires the use of the data.frame interpretation_combined.
, out_range
# data
reference_layers <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "reference_layers.tif",
package = "mop"))
layers_of_interest <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata",
package = "mop"))
# analysis
mop_res <- mop(m = reference_layers, g = layers_of_interest)
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