out_range: Detect values outside ranges of reference conditions

View source: R/out_range.R

out_rangeR Documentation

Detect values outside ranges of reference conditions


Options to identify which values in a set of conditions of interest (g_matrix) are outside the range of a set of conditions of reference (m_matrix).


out_range(m_matrix, g_matrix, type = "basic")



matrix of variables representing the set of conditions to be used as reference. Each column represents a variable.


matrix of variables representing the set of conditions to be compared against the reference conditions (where conditions outside range are to be detected). Each column represents a variable. Variable names must match those in m_matrix.


character, type of identification to be performed. See Details for options.


Results are produced according to type:

  • basic - helps to identify conditions outside ranges, in general, one or variables are only counted as 1. This is always returned.

  • simple - identifies the number of variables with conditions outside ranges, for each condition of interest outside ranges, the number of non-analogous variables is returned.

  • detailed - produces various results (including the two above):

    • high_all - identifies non-analogous conditions towards high values of variables, for each variable independently.

    • low_all - identifies non-analogous conditions towards low values of variables, for each variable independently.

    • high_combined - values are used to identify combinations of variables with non-analogous conditions towards high values of the variables.

    • low_combined - values are used to identify combinations of variables with non-analogous conditions towards low values of the variables.

    • interpretation - a data.frame to help identify which variables are considered in combined results.


A list containing the ranges in m_matrix, results from analysis according to type, and table to help with interpretations. NA values represent conditions of interest inside ranges of reference conditions. See Details.


# data
data("reference_matrix", package = "mop")
data("matrix_of_interest", package = "mop")

# analysis
out <- out_range(m_matrix = reference_matrix,
                 g_matrix = matrix_of_interest)

mop documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:28 a.m.