odagsen_mo: odagsen_margo.orbitalis: Life table example

odagsen_moR Documentation

odagsen_margo.orbitalis: Life table example


A life table from Grupe/Herrmann 1986, 51.


A data frame with 11 rows and 9 variables.

  • age.group: inf.I, inf.II -> Infans I, II juv -> juvenil; fa, ma, sa -> früh-, mittel-, spätadult; fm, mm, sm -> früh-, mittel-, spätmatur; s -> senil

  • x

  • a

  • Dx

  • dx

  • lx

  • qx

  • Lx

  • ex

In contrast to the general convention Lx represents the remaining survivors of each age interval ("Zahl der Lebenden bezogen auf die theoretische Ausgangspopulation zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Intervallen"). For further information about the values see the documentation of life.table.


The life table is compiled from the orbital margin of skulls from the late neolithic collective burial from Odagsen, Einbeck district Northeim (3.250 - 2.950 cal BC). More information can be found in Grupe/Herrmann 1986.






See Also

Other lifetables: aiterhofen_oedmuehlen, gallery_graves, magdalenenberg, muensingen, nitra, odagsen_cm, schleswig_ma

mortAAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:40 a.m.