Man pages for mrbayes
Bayesian Summary Data Models for Mendelian Randomization Studies

bmi_insulinDataset from Richmond et. al 2017 investigating the...
dodataDataset from Do et al., Nat Gen, 2013 containing summary...
mrbayes-packagemrbayes: Bayesian implementation of the IVW and MR-Egger...
mr_egger_rjagsBayesian implementation of the MR-Egger multivariate model...
mr_egger_stanBayesian inverse variance weighted model with a choice of...
mr_formatOrganises the summary level data for use in the Bayesian MR...
mrinput_mr_formatConvert an object of class MRInput from the...
mr_ivw_rjagsBayesian inverse variance weighted model with a choice of...
mr_ivw_stanBayesian inverse variance weighted model with a choice of...
mr_radialegger_rjagsBayesian radial MR-Egger model with a choice of prior...
mr_radialegger_stanBayesian inverse variance weighted model with a choice of...
mvmr_egger_rjagsBayesian implementation of the MVMR-Egger model with choice...
mvmr_egger_stanBayesian implementation of the MVMR-Egger model with choice...
mvmr_formatOrganises the summary level data for use in the Bayesian MR...
mvmr_ivw_rjagsBayesian multivariate inverse variance weighted model with a...
mvmr_ivw_stanBayesian multivariate inverse variance weighted model with a...
mrbayes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:45 p.m.