
Defines functions DeltaMethod

Documented in DeltaMethod

#' Numeric Delta Method approximation for the variance-covariance matrix
#' Computes delta method variance-covariance matrix of results of any generic
#' function \code{fct} that computes a vector of estimates as a function of a
#' set of estimated parameters \code{par}.
#' The delta method (aka propagation of errors is based on Taylor series
#' approximation - see Seber's book on Estimation of Animal Abundance). It uses
#' the first derivative of \code{fct} with respect to \code{par}.
#' It also uses the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters
#' which is derived in estimating the parameters and is an input argument.
#' The first argument of \code{fct} should be \code{par} which is a vector of
#' parameter estimates. It should return a single value (or vector) of
#' estimate(s).  The remaining arguments of \code{fct} if any can be passed to
#' \code{fct} by including them at the end of the call to \code{DeltaMethod} as
#' \code{name=value} pairs.
#' @param par vector of parameter values at which estimates should be constructed
#' @param fct function that constructs estimates from parameters \code{par}
#' @param vcov variance-covariance matrix of the parameters
#' @param delta proportional change in parameters used to numerically estimate
#' first derivative with central-difference formula (ignored)
#' @param \dots any additional arguments needed by \code{fct}
#' @export
#' @return a list with values \item{variance}{estimated variance-covariance
#' matrix of estimates derived by \code{fct}} \item{partial}{ matrix (or
#' vector) of partial derivatives of \code{fct} with respect to the parameters
#' \code{par}}
#' @note This is a generic function that can be used in any setting beyond the
#' \code{mrds} package. However this is an internal function for \code{mrds}
#' and the user does not need to call it explicitly.
#' @author Jeff Laake and David L Miller
#' @keywords utility
DeltaMethod <- function(par, fct, vcov, delta, ...){

  # Construct theta call to fct
  theta <- function(par) fct(par, ...)

  ## Numerically compute the first derivative of the estimator with
  ## respect to each parameter
  partial <- t(numDeriv::jacobian(theta, x=par))
  # calculate variance matrix for fct
  variance <- t(partial) %*% vcov %*% partial

  # return the v-c matrix and the first partial vector(matrix)
  return(list(variance = variance,
              partial  = partial))

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