Man pages for mrfDepth
Depth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and Functional Settings

adjOutlAdjusted outlyingness of points relative to a dataset
bagdistanceBagdistance of points relative to a dataset
bagplotDraws a bagplot, a bivariate boxplot
bloodfatBlood data for patients with narrowing arteries
cardata90Car data from Consumer Reports in 1990
characterAWriting trajectories of the letter 'a'
characterIWriting trajectories of the letter i
cmltestTest for linearity of the conditional median in simple...
compBagplotComputations for drawing a bagplot
depthContourDepth contours of multivariate data
dirOutlDirectional outlyingness of points relative to a dataset
dprojdepthDirectional projection depth of points relative to a dataset
dprojmedianLocation estimates based on directional projection depth
fHeatmapDraws a heatmap of functional depth values or distances
fomDraws the Functional Outlier Map (FOM)
fOutlFunctional outlyingness measures for functional data
geologicalComposition of elements in soil samples around the Baltic Sea
glassEXPMA spectra of glass samples
hdepthHalfspace depth of points relative to a dataset
hdepthmedianLocation estimates based on halfspace depth.
medcoupleA robust measure of skewness for univariate data
mfdMultivariate functional depth for functional data
mfdmedianMultivariate functional median for functional data
mrainbowplotRainbow plot for bivariate data
mriIntensities of MRI images
octaneNear infrared spectra of gasoline samples
outlyingnessStahel-Donoho outlyingness of points relative to a dataset
planeFighter plane dataset
plotContoursDraws depth contours of bivariate data
projdepthProjection depth of points relative to a dataset
projmedianLocation estimates based on projection depth
rdepthRegression depth of hyperplanes
rdepthmedianHyperplane of maximal regression depth
sdepthSimplicial depth of points relative to a dataset
sprojdepthSkewness-adjusted projection depth of points relative to a...
sprojmedianLocation estimates based on skewness-adjusted projection...
starsstars data
symtestTest for angular symmetry around a specified center for...
tabletsNear Infrared Spectroscopy responses for a batch of pills
wineProton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of 40 different...
mrfDepth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:04 a.m.