
Defines functions tsce msce_numerical

Documented in msce_numerical tsce

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#' Numerical solution of the Multi-Stage Clonal Expansion Model
#' This function aims to solve the general multi-stage model 
#' with piecewise constant parameters approximatively
#' by integrating the characteristic equations with Euler's method.
#' For sufficiently small time intervalls, this approximation often 
#' yields reasonable results.
#' Small time intervals can either be provided explicitly with many columns
#' in argument \code{t}.
#' An alternative is the optional parameter \code{innerSteps}.
#' @param t Each element in a row of \code{t} defines the endpoint of a 
#'        time interval.
#'        The first time interval starts at time \code{0}.
#'        The last element is the time point for which hazard and survival
#'        function are evaluated.
#'        Elements in a row have to be in monotonously increasing order.
#'        In order to achieve a different number of time intervals for
#'        different rows, rows may start with an arbitrary number of zeros
#'        (i.e. time intervals of length zero).
#' @param parameterList List of Matrices.
#'        Each list member has to be named. Allowed names are \code{Nnu0},
#'        \code{alphaX}, \code{gammaX}, and \code{nuX} where \code{X}
#'        can be any positive integer value.
#'        The number of stages is deduced from \code{nuX}
#'        with the highest \code{X}.
#'        Matrices \code{Nnu0} and successive \code{nuX} must be provided.
#'        Missing other matrices are assumed to be zero.
#'        For each matrix it has to hold that the number of columns 
#'        must be equal to the ones in \code{t}.
#'        The number of rows can either equal to the number of rows
#'        in \code{t}, or only one row is provided, 
#'        which then is applied to all rows of \code{t}.
#'        Values in matrices \code{Nnu0}, \code{alphaX}, \code{gammaX},
#'        \code{nuX} correspond to parameters for each time interval,
#'        see the figure and explanations in the package vignette.
#'        Here, \code{Nnu0} is the product of \eqn{N}{N} and \eqn{\nu_0}{nu0}
#'        and \eqn{\gamma_X}{gammaX} is defined by
#'        \eqn{\alpha_X-\beta_X}{alphaX-betaX}.
#' @param innerSteps Positive integer.
#'        To improve accuracy, each time interval is internally
#'        divided into \code{innerSteps} time intervals of equal length.
#'        Defaults to 1000.
#'        Note, however, that even in the limit of infinite innerSteps,
#'        there will always be a finite discrepancy to the exact result.
#' @return The output list contains all used arguments of the
#'        \code{parameterList} and vectors of the model results for
#'        hazard and logarithm of the survival function
#'        for each row of the input.
#' @details
#' \figure{MSCE.jpg}{Schematic depiction of the MSCE model.
#'         See the package vignette for details.}
#' @examples
#' t <-matrix(data=c(10,20,65,10,20,70),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' Nnu0 <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,1),nrow = 1)
#' nu1  <- matrix(1e-6,nrow=1,ncol=3)
#' alpha1<- matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=3)
#' gamma1<- matrix(c(0.13,0.13,0.13, 0.15,0.15,0.15),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' pars = list(Nnu0=Nnu0, nu1=nu1,alpha1=alpha1,gamma1=gamma1) 
#' msce_numerical(t,pars)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tsce}}
#' @export
msce_numerical <- function(t, parameterList, innerSteps = 1000L) {
    .Call(`_msce_msce_numerical`, t, parameterList, innerSteps)

#' Exact solution of the Two-Stage Clonal Expansion Model
#' For piecewise constant parameters \code{tsce(t,parameterList)}
#' returns the exact hazard and logarithm of the survival function
#' of the Two-Stage Clonal Expansion Model.
#' All arguments are matrices.
#' Evaluation is performed separately for each row.
#' @param t Each element in a row of \code{t} defines the endpoint of a
#'        time interval.
#'        The first time interval starts at time \code{0}.
#'        The last element is the time point for which hazard and survival
#'        function are evaluated.
#'        Elements in a row have to be in monotonously increasing order.
#'        In order to achieve a different number of time intervals for
#'        different rows, rows may start with an arbitrary number of zeros
#'        (i.e. time intervals of length zero).
#' @param parameterList List of Matrices.
#'        Each list member has to be named. Allowed names are \code{Nnu0},
#'        \code{alpha}, \code{gamma}, and \code{nu1}.
#'        Matrices \code{Nnu0} and \code{nu1} must be provided.
#'        If \code{alpha} or \code{gamma} are missing,
#'        they are assumed to be zero.
#'        For each matrix it has to hold that the number of columns 
#'        must be equal to the ones in \code{t}.
#'        The number of rows can either equal to the number of rows in
#'        \code{t}, or only one row is provided,
#'        which then is applied to all rows of \code{t}.
#'        Values in matrices \code{Nnu0}, \code{alpha}, \code{gamma},
#'        \code{nu1} correspond to parameters for each time interval,
#'        see the figure and explanations in the package vignette.
#'        Here, \code{Nnu0} is the product of \eqn{N}{N} and \eqn{\nu_0}{nu0}
#'        and \eqn{\gamma}{gamma} is defined by
#'        \eqn{\alpha-\beta}{alpha-beta}.
#' @details
#' \figure{TSCE.jpg}{Schematic depiction of the TSCE model.
#'         See the package vignette for details.}
#' @examples
#' t <-matrix(data=c(10,20,65,10,20,70),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' Nnu0 <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,1),nrow = 1)
#' alpha<- matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=3)
#' gamma<- matrix(c(0.13,0.13,0.13, 0.15,0.15,0.15),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' nu1  <- matrix(1e-6,nrow=1,ncol=3)
#' pars = list(Nnu0=Nnu0, alpha=alpha,gamma=gamma,nu1=nu1) 
#' tsce(t,pars)
#' @seealso \code{\link{msce_numerical}}
#' @export
tsce <- function(t, parameterList) {
    .Call(`_msce_tsce`, t, parameterList)

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msce documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 5:09 p.m.