Man pages for mully
Create, Modify and Visualize Multi-Layered Networks

addEdgeAdd an edge
addLayerAdd a layer or a set of layers to a graph
addNodeAdd a node with assigned layer and attributes to a graph
demoA demo function to test the package
exportCSVExport mully into CSV files
getEdgeAttributesGet the attributes of the edges connecting two nodes
getIDEdgeGet the ids of the edges connecting two nodes
getIDNodeGet the id of a node
getLayerGet the nodes on a layer in a graph
getLayersCountGet the number of layers in a graph
getNodeGet a node from a graph
getNodeAttributesGet the attributes of a node
importEdgesCSVImport Edges to a mully graph from a CSV file
importGraphCSVImport a mully graph from CSV files
importLayersCSVImport Layers to a mully graph from a CSV file
importNodesCSVImport Nodes to a mully graph from a CSV file
isLayerVerify if the layer exists in a graph
is.mullyIs this a mully graph?
mergeMerge or unite two graphs
mullyCreate an empty multilayered graph
mully-packageThe mully package
plot3dPlot the graph in 3D using rgl
plot.mullyPlot the graph in 2D
print.mullyPrint function
removeEdgeDelete an edge
removeLayerDelete a layer or a set of layers from a graph
removeNodeDelete a node or a set of nodes from a graph
mully documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:10 p.m.