
### mixed effects models
### feature request by John Wilkinson <jnwilks@btinternet.com>
### and Dieter Menne <dieter.menne@menne-biomed.de>


lme4OK <- require("lme4")
if (lme4OK) {

    data("ergoStool", package = "nlme")
    K <- glht(aov(effort ~ Type, data = ergoStool), mcp(Type = "Tukey"))$linfct

    stool.lmer <- lmer(effort ~ Type + (1 | Subject),
                       data = ergoStool)
    glme4 <- glht(stool.lmer, K)
    glme41 <- glht(stool.lmer, mcp(Type = "Tukey"))
    stopifnot(all.equal(coef(glme4), coef(glme41)))
    print(summary(glme41, test = Chisqtest()))

    nlmeOK <- require("nlme")
    if (nlmeOK) {

        stool.lme <- lme(effort ~ Type, data = ergoStool,
                        random = ~ 1 | Subject)
        gnlme <- glht(stool.lme,K)
        stopifnot(all.equal(coef(glme4), coef(gnlme)))

        gnlme2 <- glht(stool.lme, linfct = mcp(Type = "Tukey"))
        stopifnot(all.equal(coef(glme4), coef(gnlme2)))

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multcomp documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:06 p.m.