Man pages for multiDimBio
Multivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological Data

binomPowerPower analysis for estimating the heritability of a binomial...
boxWhiskerA function to create a box and whisker plot by group ID
completeDataFunction to impute missing data.
CondATreatment condition for animals contained in the data set...
CondBStress condition for animals contained in the data set Nuclei
DyadHousing dyad for animals contained in the data set Nuclei
FSelectA Function to perform step-wise discriminant analysis using F...
getPAn internal function for getting empirical p values
GroupsThe group ID for animals contained in the data set Nuclei
h2EstimateEstimates the heritability of a binomial trait
IntPlotA function to visualize the results of a MANOVA
LandscapePlotA function to visualize the Functional Landscape of measured...
ldaPlotA function to visualize the results of a discriminant...
LoadingsA function to visualize trait loadings onto discriminant...
makeCompMatA function to create a pairwise comparison matrix
MeanCentA function to scale data to mean 0
multiDimBio-packageMultivariate Analysis and Visualization for Biological Data
NucleiBrain activity in 14 brain regions for 71 individuals
partialFA function to compute partial F statistics
PercentMaxA function to scale data to the percent of the maximum...
PermuteLDAA function to determine whether two groups are in...
plotBinomPowerA function to plot the results of a binomPower run
PowerA function to estimate the error rate for FSelect and...
PPCAA function to perform a probabilistic principle component...
ScoresPrinciple component scores based on the data in Nuclei
simPowerAn internal function of binomPower, which actually calculates...
ztransA function to convert data into a z-score
multiDimBio documentation built on April 14, 2020, 5:41 p.m.