plot.mtm.coh: Compute and plot the multitaper magnitude-squared coherence.

View source: R/plots.R

plot.mtm.cohR Documentation

Compute and plot the multitaper magnitude-squared coherence.


Plots the magnitude-squared coherence for a mtm.coh object computed from two equal-parameter mtm objects.


## S3 method for class 'mtm.coh'
plot(x,percentGreater=NULL,nehlim=10,nehc=4, cdfQuantilesTicks=NULL,
                       drawPercentLines=TRUE, percentG=c(.1,.2,.5,.8,.9), ...)



An object of the class mtm.coh generated by spec.mtm.coh.


Prints the percent of the coherence function greater than the given values in the lower left hand corner. The values are expected in a vector representing the percentages. For example c(.5, .7) will print the percent of the msc that is greater than 50% and 70%.


A smoothing parameter used in smoothing the variance in the final plot. nehlim is the number of points to smooth by on each side.


A smoothing parameter used in smoothing the MSC in the final plot. nehc is the number of points to smooth by on each side.


Percent lines to place the tick marks on the right axis (CDF). See the example in mtm.coh for use.


Boolean variable indicating if significance lines are to be drawn.


A vector of values for which to print dashed lines indicating the percent greater than a particular value. If drawpPercentLines is FALSE then this will not be used.


Parameters passed to plotting function. Currently only tested with xaxs="i".


Returns an object containing the user-specified significance levels (percentG), along with their normal transforms. This allows the user to examine the mtm.coh object and clip the NTmsc variable to different significances.


Thomson, D.J (1982) Spectrum estimation and harmonic analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 70, number 9, pp. 1055–1096.

Percival, D.B. and Walden, A.T. (1993) Spectral analysis for physical applications Cambridge University Press.


# examples here

multitaper documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:32 p.m.