optimal_params: Optimization of the hyperparameters

optimal_paramsR Documentation

Optimization of the hyperparameters


Optimization of the hyperparameters using a sequence of subfunctions.


optimal_params     (expt, LoF, start_hp, option = "a", ...)
optimal_B          (expt, LoF, start_hp, option = "a", verbose=FALSE, ...)
optimal_identical_B(expt, LoF, start_hp, verbose=FALSE, ...)
optimal_diag_M     (expt, LoF, start_hp)
optimal_M          (expt, LoF, start_hp, ...)



Object of class experiment


List of functions


Start value for the hyperparameters, an object of class mhp. The various optimization routines use the different parts of start_hp as start points, and incrementally update it


In function optimal_B() and consequently optimal_params(), a character indicating whether to allow the scales to differ or not.

  • Default option “a” is the simplest: each univariate B matrix is a multiple of the identity matrix.

  • Option “b” allows the B matrices to be any (positive definite) diagonal matrix.

  • Option “c” specifies that B[,,j] is diagonal for each j and furthermore that B[i,i,1]=B[i,i,2]=...=B[i,i,r]. This option calls optimal_identical_B().


In function optimal_B(), Boolean with TRUE meaning to print debugging information and default FALSE meaning not to print anything


Further arguments passed to the optimization routine


The user-friendly wrapper function is optimal_params(). This calls function optimal_B() first, as most of the analysis is conditional on B. Then optimal_diag_M() is called; this places the maximum likelihood estimate for \sigma^2 on the diagonal of M. Finally, optimal_M() is called, which assigns the off-diagonal elements of M.

Each of the subfunctions returns an object appropriate for insertion into a mhp object.

The “meat” of optimal_params() is

       B(out)  <- optimal_B     (mm, d, LoF, start_hp=out, option=option, ...)
  diag(M(out)) <- optimal_diag_M(mm, d, LoF, start_hp=out, ...)
       M(out)  <- optimal_M     (mm, d, LoF, start_hp=out, ...)

See how object out is modified sequentially, it being used as a start point for the next function.


Returns a mhp object.


Function optimal_diag_M() uses MLEs for the diagonals, but using each type of observation separately. It is conceivable that there is information that is not being used here.


Robin K. S. Hankin




multivator documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:10 a.m.