sRGBtoMunsell: Convert sRGB coordinates to Munsell HVC

View source: R/conversions.R

sRGBtoMunsellR Documentation

Convert sRGB coordinates to Munsell HVC


Converts non-linear sRGB coordinates to Munsell HVC, by interpolating over the extrapolated Munsell renotation data


sRGBtoMunsell( sRGB, maxSignal=255, ... ) 



a numeric Nx3 matrix with signal sRGB coordinates in the rows, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. These are non-linear signal values, but they are not required to be integers.


maximum value of signal sRGB. Other popular values are 1, 100, 1023, and 65535. Even when 1, they are still taken to be non-linear signal values.


other parameters passed to XYZtoMunsell()


The conversion is done in these steps:

  • sRGB \rarrow XYZ using spacesXYZ::XYZfromRGB() with the given maxSignal

  • XYZ is adapted from Illuminant D65 (from the sRGB standard) to Illuminant C, using spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ() with the Bradford chromatic adaptation method

  • XYZ \rarrow HVC using XYZtoMunsell() and the given ...


a numeric Nx3 matrix with HVC coordinates in the rows. The rownames are copied from input to output, unless the rownames are NULL when they are set to the Munsell notations for HVC.
In case of error, it returns NULL.


The more general function RGBtoMunsell() also performs this conversion. This function has the advantage that it takes a little less time, since the CAT (using the Bradford method) is precomputed during base::.onLoad(). But it has the disadvantage that the chromatic adaptation method cannot be changed.


Jose Gama and Glenn Davis


Wikipedia. sRGB.

Paul Centore 2014 The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox

See Also

RGBtoMunsell(), XYZtoMunsell(), spacesXYZ::CAT(), spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ(), spacesXYZ::XYZfromRGB()


sRGBtoMunsell( c(255,45,67) )
##                     H        V        C
##  5.4R 5.5/18 5.401135 5.477315 18.01984

sRGBtoMunsell( c(1,0,1), maxSignal=1 )
##                 H        V        C
##  8P 6/26 87.98251 5.981297 25.64534

munsellinterpol documentation built on April 8, 2022, 9:07 a.m.