
Defines functions linear_from_Lightness Lightness_from_linear srgb2xyz xyz2srgb process_white MunsellTosRGB sRGBtoMunsell LuvToMunsell MunsellToLuv LabToMunsell MunsellToLab XYZtoMunsell MunsellToXYZ

Documented in LabToMunsell LuvToMunsell MunsellToLab MunsellToLuv MunsellTosRGB MunsellToXYZ sRGBtoMunsell XYZtoMunsell

################      Munsell  <-->  XYZ    #######################

#   Convert a Munsell specification into XYZ coordinates, by interpolating over the extrapolated Munsell renotation data.
#   returns XYZ that is adapted to C, and with Y=100 for ref. white V=10
MunsellToXYZ <- function( MunsellSpec, ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    tmp <- MunsellToxyY( MunsellSpec, ... )
    if( is.null(tmp) )  return(NULL)

    XYZ <- spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( tmp$xyY ) # copies rownames from xyY to XYZ

    #   rownames(XYZ)   = tmp$SAMPLE_NAME

    return( XYZ )

#   convert XYZ to an HVC matrix
#   XYZ     must be already adapted to C, and with Y=100 for ref. white V=10
XYZtoMunsell <- function( XYZ, ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    xyY = spacesXYZ::xyYfromXYZ(XYZ)
    if( is.null(xyY) )  return(NULL)

    tmp = xyYtoMunsell( xyY, ... )
    HVC = tmp$HVC

    rnames  = rownames(XYZ)     # if XYZ is not a matrix, then rnames is NULL

    if( is.null(rnames) )
        #   tmp$SAMPLE_NAME may have duplicates,
        #   but since HVC is a matrix that is OK
        rnames = tmp$SAMPLE_NAME

    rownames(HVC)   = rnames

    return( HVC )

################      Munsell  <-->  Lab    #######################
#   Convert a Munsell specification into CIE Lab coordinates, by interpolating over the extrapolated Munsell renotation data.
MunsellToLab <- function( MunsellSpec, white='D65', adapt='Bradford', ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    if( is.character(MunsellSpec) )
        HVC = HVCfromMunsellName(MunsellSpec)
        HVC = prepareNx3( MunsellSpec )

    if( is.null(HVC) )  return(NULL)

    XYZ = MunsellToXYZ( HVC, ... )
    if( is.null(XYZ) )  return(NULL)

    white   = process_white(white)
    if( any(is.na(white)) )
        log.string( ERROR, "argument white is invalid"  )

    #   adapt this XYZ from C to given white
    white.C     = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS',],100) )

    theCAT      = spacesXYZ::CAT( white.C, white, method=adapt )

    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( theCAT, XYZ )            # copies rownames from XYZ to XYZ.adapted

    Lab         = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ.adapted, white )   # copies rownames from XYZ.adapted to Lab

    #   do an additional test for neutrals
    #   to correct possible roundoff error
    neutral = HVC[ ,3]==0
    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    if( any(neutral) )  Lab[neutral,2:3]  = 0     # when C==0, set both a=0 and b=0

    #   rownames(Lab)   = rownames(XYZ)

    return( Lab )

LabToMunsell <- function( Lab, white='D65', adapt='Bradford', ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    Lab = prepareNx3( Lab )
    if( is.null(Lab) )  return(NULL)

    white   = process_white(white)
    if( any(is.na(white)) )
        log.string( ERROR, "argument white is invalid"  )

    # make CAT from given white to illuminant C
    white.C = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS',],100) )

    theCAT  = spacesXYZ::CAT( white, white.C, method=adapt )
    if( is.null(theCAT) )   return(NULL)

    XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromLab( Lab, white )

    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( theCAT, XYZ )

    if( is.null(XYZ.adapted) )  return(NULL)

    HVC = XYZtoMunsell( XYZ.adapted, ... )

    #   do an additional test for neutrals
    #   to correct possible roundoff error
    neutral = Lab[ ,2]==0   &    Lab[ ,3]==0

    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    if( any(neutral) )
        # when both a==0 and b==0, then set H=0 and C=0
        HVC[neutral,c(1,3)]  = 0

        if( is.null(rownames(Lab)) )
            #   Lab has no rownames, which means that rownames(HVC) is MunsellName
            rownames(HVC)[neutral]  = MunsellNameFromHVC( HVC[neutral, ] )

    return( HVC )

################      Munsell  <-->  Luv    #######################
#Convert a Munsell specification into CIE Luv coordinates, by interpolating over the extrapolated Munsell renotation data.

MunsellToLuv <- function( MunsellSpec, white='D65', adapt='Bradford', ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    if( is.character(MunsellSpec) )
        HVC = HVCfromMunsellName(MunsellSpec)
        HVC = prepareNx3( MunsellSpec )

    if( is.null(HVC) )  return(NULL)

    white   = process_white(white)
    if( any(is.na(white)) )
        log.string( ERROR, "argument white is invalid"  )

    XYZ = MunsellToXYZ( HVC, ... )
    if( is.null(XYZ) )  return(NULL)

    # XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( tmp$xyY )

    # make CAT from illuminant C  to   given white
    white.C = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS',],100) )

    theCAT  = spacesXYZ::CAT( white.C, white, method=adapt )
    if( is.null(theCAT) )   return(NULL)

    # adapt XYZ from C to given white
    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( theCAT, XYZ )    # copies rownames from XYZ to XYZ.adapted

    Luv = spacesXYZ::LuvfromXYZ( XYZ.adapted, white )   # copies rownames from XYZ.adapted to Luv

    #   do an additional test for neutrals
    #   to correct possible roundoff error
    neutral = HVC[ ,3]==0
    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    if( any(neutral) )  Luv[neutral,2:3]  = 0     # when C==0, set both u=0 and v=0

    #   rownames(Luv)   = rownames(XYZ)  already done    #tmp$SAMPLE_NAME

    return( Luv )

LuvToMunsell <- function( Luv, white='D65', adapt='Bradford', ... )
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    Luv = prepareNx3( Luv )
    if( is.null(Luv) )  return(NULL)

    white   = process_white(white)
    if( any(is.na(white)) )
        log.string( ERROR, "argument white is invalid"  )

    XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromLuv( Luv, white )

    # make CAT from given white to illuminant C
    white.C = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS',],100) )

    theCAT  = spacesXYZ::CAT( white, white.C, method=adapt )
    if( is.null(theCAT) )   return(NULL)

    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( theCAT, XYZ  )

    HVC = XYZtoMunsell( XYZ.adapted, ... )

    #   do an additional test for neutrals
    #   to correct possible roundoff error
    neutral = Luv[ ,2]==0   &    Luv[ ,3]==0

    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    if( any(neutral) )
        # when both u==0 and v==0, then set H=0 and C=0
        HVC[neutral,c(1,3)]  = 0

        if( is.null(rownames(Luv)) )
            #   Luv has no rownames, which means that rownames(HVC) is MunsellName
            rownames(HVC)[neutral]  = MunsellNameFromHVC( HVC[neutral, ] )

    return( HVC )

#   this works, and avoids the call to assign() in .onAttach
#   however, this method requires an export entry in file NAMESPACE
LabtoMunsell    <- LabToMunsell
LuvtoMunsell    <- LuvToMunsell

################      Munsell  <-->  sRGB    #######################
# Convert sRGB input into CIE XYZ and xyY coordinates

sRGBtoMunsell <- function( sRGB, maxSignal=255, ... )
    for( p in c('spacesRGB','spacesXYZ') )
        if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
            log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    sRGB = prepareNx3( sRGB )
    if( is.null(sRGB) )  return(NULL)

    XYZ = spacesRGB::XYZfromRGB( sRGB, space='sRGB', which='scene', maxSignal=maxSignal )$XYZ
    if( is.null(XYZ) )  return(NULL)

    # adapt XYZ from D65 to C, using precomputed p.D65toC_CAT
    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( p.D65toC_CAT, XYZ ) #; print( xyY.adapted )

    # Convert adapted XYZ coordinates to Munsell coordinates
    HVC = XYZtoMunsell( XYZ.adapted, ... )
    if( is.null(HVC) )  return(NULL)

    #   do an additional test for neutrals
    #   to correct possible roundoff error
    neutral = sRGB[ ,1]==sRGB[ ,2]    &    sRGB[ ,2]==sRGB[ ,3]

    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    if( any(neutral) )
        # when both R==G==B, then set H=0 and C=0
        HVC[neutral,c(1,3)]     = 0

        if( is.null(rownames(sRGB)) )
            #   sRGB has no rownames, which means that rownames(HVC) is MunsellName
            rownames(HVC)[neutral]  = MunsellNameFromHVC( HVC[neutral, ] )

    return( HVC )

MunsellTosRGB <- function( MunsellSpec, maxSignal=255, ... )
    for( p in c('spacesRGB','spacesXYZ') )
        if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
            log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    # Convert from Munsell notation to CIE coordinates
    tmp = MunsellToxyY( MunsellSpec, ... )
    if( is.null(tmp) )  return(NULL)

    out = tmp

    #   look for chroma==0 exactly
    neutral = out$HVC[ ,3] == 0
    neutral[ is.na(neutral) ]   = FALSE

    out$HVC = NULL  # erase this column

    XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( out$xyY )

    # adapt XYZ from C to D65, using precomputed p.CtoD65_CAT
    XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::adaptXYZ( p.CtoD65_CAT, XYZ )

    #   XYZ.adapted = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( xyY.adapted )

    # Convert CIE XYZ coordinates to sRGB coordinates
    out = cbind( out, spacesRGB::RGBfromXYZ( XYZ.adapted, space='sRGB', maxSignal=maxSignal ) )

    #rnames  = tmp$SAMPLE_NAME
    #if( anyDuplicated(rnames) ) rnames = 1:nrow(out)
    #rownames(out) = rnames

    if( any(neutral) )
        RGB.mean = rowMeans( out$RGB[neutral, , drop=FALSE] )

        #   the vector on the right side is replicated over all columns on the left
        out$RGB[neutral, ]  =  RGB.mean  # cbind( RGB.mean, RGB.mean, RGB.mean )

    return( out )

process_white <- function( white )
    if( is.character(white) )
        if( length(white) != 1 )    return(NA)

        return( 100 * spacesXYZ::standardXYZ(white) )

    if( is.numeric(white) )
        if( length(white) == 3 )
            # interpret as XYZ

        if( length(white) == 2 )
            #   interpret as xy
            return( spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c(white,100) ) )


#############              deadwood below                         ###############

#   xyz2srgb is here only because package 'colorscience' depends on it
xyz2srgb <- function(XYZ){
if ((length(XYZ) %% 3) != 0)  stop('XYZ matrix must be n x 3')
if (is.null(dim(XYZ))) if (length(XYZ)>2) XYZ<-matrix(XYZ, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
M <- matrix(c(3.2406, -1.5372, -0.4986, -0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415, 0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570),3,3,byrow=TRUE)
RGB <- t(M %*% t(XYZ))
# START: lines added March 2013 to set out-of-gamut flag.
# The out-of-gamut flag is a column vector of Boolean true/false values.  Each
# entry corresponds to one row of the input matrix XYZ.
NumberOfInputs <- dim(RGB)[1]
OutOfGamutFlag <- -99 * matrix(1,NumberOfInputs)
for (index in 1:NumberOfInputs){
if (RGB[index,1] < 0 || RGB[index,1] > 1 || RGB[index,2] < 0 || RGB[index,2] > 1 || RGB[index,3] < 0 || RGB[index,3] > 1) OutOfGamutFlag[index] = TRUE else OutOfGamutFlag[index] <- FALSE
# END: lines added March 2013 to set out-of-gamut flag
RGB[which(RGB<0)] <- 0
RGB[which(RGB>1)] <- 1
DACS = matrix(0,dim(XYZ)[1],3)
index <- RGB<=0.0031308
index[index==TRUE] <- 1
index[index==FALSE] <- 0
DACS <- DACS+index*(12.92*RGB)
DACS <- DACS+(1-index)*(1.055*RGB^(1/2.4)-0.055)
RGB <- ceiling(DACS*255)
RGB[which(RGB<0)] <- 0
RGB[which(RGB>255)] <- 255
return(list(Status.ind  = 1, sRGB=RGB, OutOfGamutFlag=OutOfGamutFlag))

srgb2xyz <- function(RGBmatrix){
if ((length(RGBmatrix) %% 3) != 0)  stop('RGBmatrix must be n x 3')
if (is.null(dim(RGBmatrix))) if (length(RGBmatrix)>2) RGBmatrix<-matrix(RGBmatrix, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
XYZmatrix <- matrix(0,dim(RGBmatrix)[1],3)
M <- matrix(c(0.4124, 0.3576, 0.1805, 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0.0193, 0.1192, 0.9505),3,3,byrow=TRUE)
DACS <- RGBmatrix/255
RGBmatrix <- matrix(0,dim(DACS)[1],3)
index <- DACS <= 0.04045
index[index==TRUE] <- 1
index[index==FALSE] <- 0
RGBmatrix = RGBmatrix + (index)*(DACS/12.92)
RGBmatrix = RGBmatrix + (1-index)*((DACS+0.055)/1.055)^2.4
XYZmatrix <- t(M %*% t(RGBmatrix))

#############     Lightness in [0,100]  <-->  linear Y in [0,1]   ###############
#   these threshold=(24/116)^3 and coeff=(12/116)^3    are taken from CIE 15:2004 Section 8.2
#   see http://brucelindbloom.com/LContinuity.html.  Glenn Davis

#   linear Y    in the interval [0,1], nominally
#   returns L in [0,100]
#   Some of the x,y in all.dat are negative, and sometimes x+y > 1, which implies z<-.
#   So for Munsell purposes we must allow the tristimulus coordinates XYZ to be negative.
#   To accomodate this, Lightness_from_linear() is defined for negative numbers
#   so that it is an odd function.

Lightness_from_linear  <-  function( Y )
    #   thresh = (24/116)^3

    s = sign(Y)
    Y = s * Y       # Y is now non-negative

    out = ifelse( Y < (24/116)^3, (116/12)^3 * Y, 116*Y^(1/3) - 16 )

    #   correct any negatives by multiplying by s
    return( s * out )

#   nonlinear L         in the interval [0,100]
#   returns linear Y    in the interval [0,1]
linear_from_Lightness  <-  function( L )
    s   = sign(L)
    L   = s * L     # L is now non-negative

    out = ifelse( L < 8, (12/116)^3 * L, ((L + 16)/116)^3 )

    #   correct any negatives by multiplying by s
    return( s * out )

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