Man pages for mvmesh
Multivariate Meshes and Histograms in Arbitrary Dimensions

HollowRectangleSubdivide a hyperrectangle with a standard grid
HollowTubeDefine tubes in n-dimensions
mvhistMultivariate histograms
mvmesh-geomMiscellaneous computational geometry and utility functions
mvmesh-methodsMethods to print and draw mvmesh objects
mvmeshmiscMiscellaneous functions used by/with mvmesh
mvmesh-packageMultivariate meshes and histograms in arbitrary dimensions
PolarSphereDefine a mesh on the unit sphere/ball in n-dimensions...
rmvmeshSimulate from a mesh
UnitSimplexDefine a mesh on the unit simplex or the canonical simplex
UnitSphereDefine a mesh on a unit ball in n-dimensions
mvmesh documentation built on Feb. 12, 2020, 1:09 a.m.