
## R function "mvnpermute" for executing a permutation-based test with
## multivariate normally distributed data.
## copyright Mark Abney, 2013
## With contributions from Peter Carbonetto
## Licensed under GPL3
## For more information, see:
## Abney M (2015) "Permutation testing in the presence of polygenic
## variation." Genetic Epidemiology, in press.
## and
## Abney M, Ober C, McPeek MS (2002). "Quantitative trait homozygosity
## and association mapping and empirical genome-wide significance in
## large complex pedigrees: Fasting serum insulin levels in the
## Hutterites." American Journal of Human Genetics 70: 920-934.
##   y    Vector of length n containing the observed trait data.
##   X    n x m matrix or data frame, in which each row corresponds to a
##        sample and each column corresponds to a covariate. If the
##        model includes an intercept term, this should be included as
##        one of the covariates of this matrix, as in
##          X <- cbind(rep(n,1),X)
##   S    Known or estimated covariance matrix of the data.
##   nr   Number of replicates to generate.
##   seed Seed for sampling the nr permutations.
## OUTPUT: The function returns a matrix with n rows and nr columns, in
## which each column is a "permuted" version of y.

#' Generate Permutation-based Multivariate Normal Data
#' Simulate new multivariate normal data sets with a specified covariance
#' matrix by permutation. Permutations are done on a linear transformation
#' of residuals that is guaranteed to be exchangeable when the original data
#' are multivariate normally distributed.
#' This function takes multivariate normal data with known covariates
#' and covariance matrix and generates "permutations" of this data that
#' maintain the mean and covariance of the original data. The
#' permutations are generated by finding the residuals of the data and
#' mapping the residuals to an orthonormal space, then simulating
#' random permutations within this orthonormal space. The permutations
#' are then mapped back to the original space, and the expected values
#' (given the covariates, and their estimated effect sizes) are added
#' back in. The resulting "permuted" data can now be used exactly like
#' the original data; for example, you could estimate the null
#' distribution of some test statistic while maintaining the (known)
#' covariance of the data.
#' @references Abney M (2015) "Permutation testing in the presence of polygenic
#'  variation." Genetic Epidemiology, in press.
#' @references Abney M, Ober C, McPeek MS (2002). "Quantitative trait homozygosity
#'   and association mapping and empirical genome-wide significance in
#'   large complex pedigrees: Fasting serum insulin levels in the
#'   Hutterites." American Journal of Human Genetics 70: 920--934.
#' @param y Vector of multivariate normal data.
#' @param X Matrix or data frame of covariate values (including the intercept
#'  term if desired). Number of rows must equal the length of \code{y}.
#' @param S Known or estimated covariance matrix of \code{y}.
#' @param nr Number of data sets to generate.
#' @param seed Optional random number seed for sampling the \code{nr} permutations.
#' @return A matrix with number of rows equal to \code{length(y)} and \code{nr} columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(98765)
#' N <- 100
#' r.mat <- matrix(rexp(N^2), ncol=N)
#' cv.mat <- crossprod(r.mat) # a positive definite covariance matrix
#' x.mat <- rep(1, N)
#' r.mean <- 3
#' r1 <- rnorm(N) # independent random noise
#' r.data <- x.mat * r.mean + drop( t(chol(cv.mat)) %*% r1 ) # correlated random noise
#' r.perm <- mvnpermute( r.data, x.mat, cv.mat, nr=1000, seed=1234)
#' est.cvm <- cov(t(r.perm))
#' plot(cv.mat, est.cvm); abline(0,1)

mvnpermute <- function (y, X, S, nr, seed) {
    if(!missing(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    ## Get the number of samples.
    n <- length(y)

    ## Make sure X is a matrix.
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    if (nrow(X) != n) stop("Number of elements in y does not match number of rows in X.")

    ## Compute the lower triangular ("Choleksy") factorization of the
    ## covariance matrix, so that R' * R = S, then solve for z and W in
    ## linear systems of equations A*z = y and A*W = X to obtain
    ## exchangeable elements of the trait and covariate samples.
    R <- chol(S)
    z <- backsolve(R, y, transpose=TRUE)
    W <- backsolve(R, X, transpose=TRUE)

    ## Fit the linear model and estimate the regression coefficients.
    ## Note that the -1 in the formula indicates that the implicit
    ## intercept should not be included in the linear model. Then get the
    ## components of the linear model y <- U + E.
    model <- stats::lm(z ~ W - 1)
    beta  <- stats::coef(model)
    u     <- drop(X %*% beta)
    e     <- stats::resid(model)

    ## Get the covariance matrix of the residuals, then the spectral
    ## decomposition of this covariance matrix. Take only the
    ## eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue of 1.
    sigma.mat <- diag(n) - W %*% solve(t(W) %*% W, t(W))
    sigma.eig <- eigen(sigma.mat)
    V1        <- sigma.eig$vectors[ , sigma.eig$values > 0.9]

    ## The vector g now has exchangeable elements, and has covariance
    ## matrix equal to the identity.
    g <- crossprod(V1, e) # t(V1) %*% e
    C <- crossprod(R, V1) # t(R) %*% V1

    ## Initialize storage for the output.
    perms           <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = nr)
    rownames(perms) <- rownames(y)
    colnames(perms) <- 1:nr

    ## Repeat for each replicate to generate.
    for (i in 1:nr) {

        ## Shuffle the entries of the exchangeable observations, g.
        gp <- sample(g)

        ## Transform the exchangeable random sample back to the original
        ## space, and store the result.
        perms[,i] <- u + drop(C %*% gp)

    ## Output the result.

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mvnpermute documentation built on April 21, 2022, 5:13 p.m.