Man pages for mvord
Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models

coef.mvordCoefficients of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
constraintsConstraints on the Regression Coefficients of Multivariate...
data_crSimulated credit ratings
data_cr_panelSimulated panel of credit ratings
data_mvordSimulated credit ratings
data_mvord2Simulated credit ratings
data_mvord_panelSimulated panel of credit ratings
data_mvord_toyData set toy example
error_structError Structures in mvord
error_structureExtracts Error Structure of Multivariate Ordinal Regression...
fitted.mvordFitted Probabilities of Multivariate Ordinal Regression...
joint_probabilitiesExtracts fitted Probabilities for Multivariate Ordinal...
logLik.mvordPairwise Log-Likelihood of Multivariate Ordinal Regression...
marginal_predictMarginal Predictions for Multivariate Ordinal Regression...
model.matrix.mvordmodel.matrix of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
mvlinksMultivariate link functions in mvord
mvordMultivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
mvord.controlControl functions for mvord()
mvord-packageMultivariate Ordinal Regression Models in R.
names_constraintsNames of regression coefficient constraints in mvord
nobs.mvordnobs of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
polycorComputes polychoric correlations
predict.mvordPredict method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
print.error_structPrint Method for class error_struc.
print.mvordPrint Method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
pseudo_R_squaredPseudo R^2 for objects of class 'mvord'
summary.mvordSummary method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
terms.mvordterms of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
thresholdsThresholds of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
vcov.mvordvcov of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
mvord documentation built on March 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.