data_mvord: Simulated credit ratings

data_mvordR Documentation

Simulated credit ratings


A simulated data set where three different raters (rater1, rater2 and rater3) assign ordinal ratings on different firms. rater3 uses a different rating scale compared to rater1 and rater2, i.e., the number of threshold categories is different. For each firm we simulate five different covariates X1, ..., X5 from a standard normal distribution. Additionally, each firm is randomly assigned to a business sector (sector X, Y or Z), captured by the covariate X6. Furthermore, we simulate multivariate normally distributed errors. For a given set of parameters we obtain the three rating variables for each firm by slotting the latent scores according to the corresponding threshold parameters. The IDs for each subject i of the n = 1000 firms are stored in the column firm_id. The IDs of the raters are stored in the column rater_id. The ordinal ratings are provided in the column rating and all the covariates in the remaining columns. Overall, the data set has 3000 rows, for each of the n = 1000 firms it has three rating observations.


data("data_mvord", package = "mvord")


A data frame with 3000 rows and 9 variables


  • firm_id firm index

  • rater_id rater index

  • rating ordinal credit ratings

  • X1 covariate X1

  • X2 covariate X2

  • X3 covariate X3

  • X4 covariate X4

  • X5 covariate X5

  • X6 covariate X6 (factor)

mvord documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:21 p.m.