
Defines functions chatty_name_chunks name_dir_chunks name_chunks

Documented in name_chunks name_dir_chunks

#' @title Name chunks in a single file
#' @description Name unnamed chunks in a single file using the filename with extension stripped as basis.
#' @details When using namer, please check the edits
#'  before pushing them to your code base. Such automatic
#'  chunk labelling is best paired with version control.
#' @returns Always returns TRUE invisibly. Called for side effects.
#' @template path
#' @template unname
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp_file_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.Rmd")
#' file.copy(system.file("examples", "example1.Rmd", package = "namer"),
#'           temp_file_path,
#'           overwrite = TRUE)
#' name_chunks(temp_file_path)
#' if(interactive()){
#' file.edit(temp_file_path)
#' }
#' file.remove(temp_file_path)
name_chunks <- function(path, unname = FALSE){
  # read the whole file
  lines <- readLines(path)

  # get chunk info
  chunk_headers_info <- get_chunk_info(lines)

  # early exit if no chunk

  # check if a force-unname should be done
  if (isTRUE(unname)) {

  # filter the one corresponding to unnamed chunks
  chunk_headers_info %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$name)) -> unnamed

  # count unnamed chunks
  no_unnamed <- length(unique(unnamed$index))

  # act only if needed!
  if(no_unnamed > 0){
    # create new chunk names
    filename <- fs::path_ext_remove(path)
    filename <- fs::path_file(filename)
    # support for bookdown text references by removing underscores
    # https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/markdown-extensions-by-bookdown.html#fnref5
    filename <- clean_latex_special_characters(filename)
    new_chunk_names <-  glue::glue("{filename}-{1:no_unnamed}")
    new_chunk_names <- as.character(new_chunk_names)
    # and write to which line they correspond
    names(new_chunk_names) <- unique(unnamed$index)

    # unique names?
    existing_names <- unique(chunk_headers_info$name)
    existing_names <- existing_names[!is.na(existing_names)]

    if(any(new_chunk_names %in% existing_names)){
      new_chunk_names[new_chunk_names %in% existing_names] <-
        glue::glue("{new_chunk_names[new_chunk_names %in% existing_names]}-bis")

    # add name to original information
    # about unnamed chunk
    nownamed <- unnamed %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$index) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(name = new_chunk_names[as.character(.data$index)]) %>%

    # re-write the header of these chunks
    newlines <- re_write_headers(nownamed)
    # replace original lines
    lines[newlines$index] <- newlines$line

    # re-get chunk names
    new_chunk_headers_info <- get_chunk_info(lines)
    if(length(unique(new_chunk_headers_info$name)) != nrow(new_chunk_headers_info)){
      stop("Despite our efforts we'd be creating duplicate names.
Had you run our script on your R Markdown before?
Maybe namer::unname_chunks before running name_chunks.")

    # save file
    writeLines(lines, path)

#' @title  Name chunks of all Rmds in a dir
#' @description  Name unnamed chunks in a dir using the filenames with extension stripped as basis.
#' @returns Always returns TRUE invisibly. Called for side effects.
#' @inherit name_chunks details
#' @template dir
#' @template unname
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' # just to make sure we're not overwriting
#' if(fs::dir_exists(file.path(temp_dir, "examples"))){
#' fs::dir_delete(file.path(temp_dir, "examples"))
#' }
#' fs::dir_copy(system.file("examples", package = "namer"),
#'             temp_dir)
#'  # this is an example file that'd fail
#' fs::file_delete(file.path(temp_dir,
#'                          "examples", "example4.Rmd"))
#' name_dir_chunks(temp_dir)
#' if(interactive()){
#' file.edit(file.path(temp_dir,
#'                    "examples", "example1.Rmd"))
#' }
name_dir_chunks <- function(dir, unname = FALSE){

  if (isTRUE(unname)) {
    cli::cat_rule("Unnaming all chunks")

  cli::cat_rule("Naming all chunks")

  rmds <- fs::dir_ls(dir, regexp = "*.[RrQq]md")
  purrr::walk(rmds, chatty_name_chunks)


chatty_name_chunks <- function(path){
  message(glue::glue("Scanning {path}..."))

Try the namer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

namer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:05 a.m.