Man pages for nbc4va
Bayes Classifier for Verbal Autopsy Data

csmf.nbcCalculate predicted CSMFs from a NBC model
internalCheckNBCCheck arguments for nbc()
internalCheckNBCSummaryCheck arguments for summary.nbc()
internalGetCauseMetricsCalculate performance metrics table per cause
internalGetCSMFAccCalculate CSMF accuracy
internalGetCSMFMaxErrorCalculate CSMF maximum error
internalGetMetricsCalculate overall performance metrics
internalNBCNBC algorithm source code
internalRoundFixedSumRound values to whole numbers while preserving the sum
internalSubAsRestSubstitute values in a dataframe proportionally to all other...
nbcTrain a NBC model
nbc4vanbc4va: Bayes Classifier for Verbal Autopsy Data
nbc4vaDataExample of clean data in nbc4va
nbc4vaDataRawExample of unclean data in nbc4va
nbc4vaGUIWeb-based graphical user interface in nbc4va
nbc4vaIORun nbc4va using file input and output
ova2nbcTranslate open verbal autopsy arguments to train a NBC model
plot.nbcBar plot of top predicted causes from a NBC model
print.nbc_summaryPrint top predicted causes from a NBC model
summary.nbcSummarize a NBC model with metrics
topCOD.nbcCause of death predictions from a NBC model
nbc4va documentation built on May 10, 2022, 5:07 p.m.