Man pages for ncdf4.helpers
Helper Functions for Use with the 'ncdf4' Package

get.cluster.worker.subsetsGet subsets to be distributed to workers
get.f.step.sizeGet step size for data
get.split.filename.cmip5Splits up a CMIP5 filename
nc.conform.dataConform data to dimension order and structure of output
nc.copy.attsCopy attributes from one variable in one file to another file
ncdf4.helpersncdf4.helpers: helper functions for NetCDF files.
nc.get.climatology.bounds.var.listGet a list of names of climatology bounds variables
nc.get.compress.dimsGet X and Y dimension variables for reduced (compressed)...
nc.get.coordinate.axesGet a list of dimension variables and axes for a variable's...
nc.get.dim.axesGet dimension axes
nc.get.dim.axes.from.namesInfer dimension axes from names of dimensions
nc.get.dim.bounds.var.listGet a list of names of dimension bounds variables.
nc.get.dim.for.axisGet dimension corresponding to a given axis
nc.get.dim.namesGet a list of names of dimensions
nc.get.proj4.stringGets the proj4 string for a file
nc.get.time.multiplierGets conversion factor for time scale given units
nc.get.time.seriesReturns time axis data as PCICt for a file
nc.get.variable.listGet a list of names of data variables a data subset in the place described by the named list... if a dimension is regular
nc.make.time.boundsCreates time bounds for a time series a data subset in the place described by the named list...
ncdf4.helpers documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 5:19 p.m.