Man pages for nestedcv
Nested Cross-Validation with 'glmnet' and 'caret'

anova_filterANOVA filter
barplot_var_stabilityBarplot variable stability
boot_filterBootstrap for filter functions
boot_ttestBootstrap univariate filters
boruta_filterBoruta filter
boxplot_modelBoxplot model predictors
class_balanceCheck class balance in training folds
coef.cva.glmnetExtract coefficients from a cva.glmnet object
coef.nestcv.glmnetExtract coefficients from nestcv.glmnet object
collinearFilter to reduce collinearity in predictors
combo_filterCombo filter
correl_filterCorrelation filter
correls2Correlation between a vector and a matrix
cva.glmnetCross-validation of alpha for glmnet
cv_coefCoefficients from outer CV glmnet models
cv_varImpExtract variable importance from outer CV caret models
glmnet_coefsglmnet coefficients
glmnet_filterglmnet filter
innercv_predsInner CV predictions
innercv_rocBuild ROC curve from left-out folds from inner CV
innercv_summarySummarise performance on inner CV test folds
layer_filterMultilayer filter
lm_filterLinear model filter
model.hsstanhsstan model for cross-validation
nestcv.glmnetNested cross-validation with glmnet
nestcv.SuperLearnerOuter cross-validation of SuperLearner model
nestcv.trainNested cross-validation for caret
one_hotOne-hot encode
outercvOuter cross-validation of selected models
plot_alphasPlot cross-validated glmnet alpha
plot_caretPlot caret tuning
plot.cva.glmnetPlot lambda across range of alphas
plot_lambdasPlot cross-validated glmnet lambdas across outer folds
plot_shap_barSHAP importance bar plot
plot_shap_beeswarmSHAP importance beeswarm plot
plot_varImpVariable importance plot
plot_var_stabilityPlot variable stability
predict.hsstanPredict from hsstan model fitted within cross-validation
predict.nestcv.glmnetPredict method for nestcv.glmnet fits
pred_nestcv_glmnetPrediction wrappers to use fastshap with nestedcv
predSummarySummarise prediction performance metrics
randomsampleOversampling and undersampling
ranger_filterRandom forest ranger filter
relieff_filterReliefF filter
rf_filterRandom forest filter
stat_filterUnivariate filter for binary classification with mixed...
summary_varsSummarise variables
supervisedPCASupervised PCA plot
train_predsOuter training fold predictions
train_rocBuild ROC curve from outer CV training folds
train_summarySummarise performance on outer training folds
ttest_filtert-test filter
var_directionVariable directionality
var_stabilityVariable stability
weightCalculate weights for class imbalance
wilcoxon_filterWilcoxon test filter
nestedcv documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.