collinear: Filter to reduce collinearity in predictors

View source: R/filters.R

collinearR Documentation

Filter to reduce collinearity in predictors


This function identifies predictors with r^2 above a given cut-off and produces an index of predictors to be removed. The function takes a matrix or data.frame of predictors, and the columns need to be ordered in terms of importance - first column of any pair that are correlated is retained and subsequent columns which correlate above the cut-off are flagged for removal.


collinear(x, rsq_cutoff = 0.9, rsq_method = "pearson", verbose = FALSE)



A matrix or data.frame of values. The order of columns is used to determine which columns to retain, so the columns in x should be sorted with the most important columns first.


Value of cut-off for r-squared


character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman". See cor().


Boolean whether to print details


Integer vector of the indices of columns in x to remove due to collinearity

nestedcv documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:30 a.m.