PVmodule: Dataframe for PV module degradation under Damp Heat Exposure

PVmoduleR Documentation

Dataframe for PV module degradation under Damp Heat Exposure


In this example, full size PV modules were exposed to damp heat conditions (relative humidity of 85% and a chamber temperature of 85 deg C) for 4000 hours and the degradation in PV power output was measured at specific time intervals, or time steps. In addition, some modules were withdrawn from the study at these time steps, to produce a retained sample library with samples available for each time step. These retained samples were dismantled destructively in order to determine the changes occurred in the module materials. In the resulting netSEM model, time was used as a proxy for damp heat exposure stress (S) variable and $P_max$ (maximum power generated by the modules) was used as the performance level response ($R$) variable, several mechanistic variables ($M$) were obtained through chemical evaluation methods, including FTIR and TGA on EVA encapsulant. This example also demonstrate how to add latent variables.




A 16 by 4 data frame of continuous variables


Maximum power generated by PV modules


Time in decimal years for exposure of PV modules to damp heat conditions


Infrared signal measurement that tracks hydrolysis of EVA encapsulant


Thermogravimetric analysis of PV module to track formation of acetic acid


Menghong Wang, Abdulkerim Gok, Roger H. French


Solar Durability and Lifetime Extension (SDLE) Research Center, Case Western Reserve University

netSEM documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:26 p.m.