
Defines functions getnetwork

Documented in getnetwork

#' @title getnetwork
#' @description 
#' Easily extract a network from one of the 
#' nodes in a networktree object
#' @param tree a networktree object
#' @param id the node in the tree to extract. Use summary(tree) to see
#' id numbers for each split
#' @param transform should stored correlation matrices be transformed to partial correlations 
#' or graphical lasso? Can be set to "cor", "pcor", or "glasso". Defaults to automatic detection
#' @param verbose should warnings and messages from transformation functions (qgraph) be printed?
#' @param ... arguments passed to qgraph (e.g., "tuning", "threshold")
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' d <- data.frame(trend = 1:200, foo = runif(200, -1, 1))
#' d <- cbind(d, rbind(
#'   mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, mean = c(0, 0, 0),
#'           sigma = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), ncol = 3)),
#'   mvtnorm::rmvnorm(100, mean = c(0, 0, 0),
#'           sigma = matrix(c(1, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), ncol = 3))
#' ))
#' colnames(d)[3:5] <- paste0("y", 1:3)
#' ## Now use the function
#' tree1 <- networktree(nodevars=d[,3:5], splitvars=d[,1:2])
#' getnetwork(tree1, id=1)
getnetwork <- function(tree, id=1L, transform = "detect", verbose = FALSE,...){

  terminal_node <- tree[id]
    if("cor" %in% class(terminal_node)){
      transform <- "cor"
    } else if ("pcor" %in% class(terminal_node)){
      transform <- "pcor"
    } else if ("glasso" %in% class(terminal_node)){
      transform <- "glasso"
    } else {
      stop("Unable to detect transform")
  if("ctree_networktree" %in% class(terminal_node)){
    simpleCortrafo <- function(data){
      obs <- nrow(data)
      n <- ncol(data)
      mymat <- matrix(list(),n,n)
      for(i in 1:n){
        for(j in 1:n){
          mymat[[i,j]] <- scale(data[[i]]) * scale(data[[j]])
      matrix(unlist(mymat[lower.tri(mymat)]), obs, (n^2-n)/2)
    node_trans <- simpleCortrafo(data=terminal_node$fitted[['(response)']])
    cors <- apply(node_trans, 2, mean, na.rm=T)
    matnames <- names(terminal_node$fitted[['(response)']])
    n <- ncol(terminal_node$fitted[['(response)']])
    sampleSize <- nrow(terminal_node$fitted[['(response)']])
  } else if ("mob_networktree" %in% class(terminal_node)){
    cors       <- terminal_node$node$info$coefficients
    cors       <- cors[grepl("rho", names(cors))] # select only cors, not mean/var
    matnames   <- attr(terminal_node$info$terms$response, "term.labels")
    n          <- length(matnames)
    sampleSize <- terminal_node$node$info$nobs
  cormat <- matrix(as.numeric(),n,n); diag(cormat) <- rep(1, n)
  cormat[lower.tri(cormat)] <- cors
  cormat[upper.tri(cormat)] <- t(cormat)[upper.tri(cormat)]
  info <- list(cormat     = cormat,
              sampleSize = sampleSize)
  dots <- list(...)
  labels <- if(is.null(dots$labels)){matnames}else{dots$labels}
  net <- nettransform(cor = info$cormat, 
                      n = info$sampleSize, 
                      labels = labels,
                      transform = transform,
                      verbose = verbose)

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networktree documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 5:06 p.m.