computeExtrinsicNoise: Compute estimates of the extrinsic noise.

computeExtrinsicNoiseR Documentation

Compute estimates of the extrinsic noise.


This function computes several estimates of the extrinsic noise (unscaled by the mean). The estimators, described in Fu and Pachter (2016), include the original estimators developed in Elowitz et al. (2002), the unbiased estimator, an min-MSE estimator, and an asymptotic estimator for large sample sizes.


computeExtrinsicNoise(reporter1, reporter2)



A vector of continuous values.


A vector of continuous values.


Four (unscaled) estimates of extrinsic noise: the original estimators developed in Elowitz et al. (2002), the unbiased estimator, an min-MSE estimator, and an asymptotic estimator for large sample sizes.


Audrey Q. Fu


Fu, A. Q. and Pachter, L. (2016). Estimating intrinsic and extrinsic noise from single-cell gene expression measurements. arXiv:1601.03334. Elowitz, M. B., A. J. Levine, E. D. Siggia, and P. S. Swain (2002) Stochastic gene expression in a single cell. Science, 297, 1183-1186.

See Also

computeIntrinsicNoise, simulateSC. See estimates for data elowitz_data and yang_nl10.

noise documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:08 a.m.