Man pages for nph
Planning and Analysing Survival Studies under Non-Proportional Hazards

logrank.maxtestMaximum combination (MaxCombo) log-rank test
logrank.testWeighted log-rank test
m2rTransform median time into rate
nph_guiLaunch a GUI (shiny app) for the nph package
nphparamsSimultaneous Inference For Parameters Quantifying Differences...
pchazCalculate survival for piecewise constant hazard
pembroReconstructed Data Set Based On Survival Curves In Burtess et...
plot_diagramDraw a state space figure
plot.mixpchPlot mixpch Objects
plot.nphparamsPlot nphparams Objects
plot_shhrPlot of survival, hazard and hazard ratio of two groups as a...
plot_subgroupsDraw a population composition plot
pop_pchazCalculate survival for piecewise constant hazards with change...
print.nphparamsPrint nphparams Objects
rSurv_conditional_funDraw conditional random survival times from mixpch object.
rSurv_funDraw random survival times from mixpch object.
sample_conditional_funDraw conditional survival times based on study settings
sample_funDraw survival times based on study settings
subpop_pchazCalculate survival for piecewise constant hazards with change...
nph documentation built on May 17, 2022, 1:06 a.m.