Man pages for npsm
Nonparametric Statistical Methods

acov231Analysis of Covariance Example for a two by three two-way...
aligned.testAligned Rank Test
baseball_players1000Career Information for a Random Sample of 1000 Baseball...
bb2010Batting statistics for the 2010 baseball season.
blood.plasmaBlood plasma measurements related to total triglyceride level
brewers1982Basic Summaries of Boxscores for the Milwaukee Brewers 1982...
cancertrtSurvival time based on two treatments
centerxCenter Matrix
cloudCloud Dewpoint
cor.boot.ciConfidence interval for a correlation based on a bootstrap.
energyEnergy as a Function of temperature difference.
firstbaseRounding First Base.
fkk.testk-Sample version of the Fligner-Kileen test for homogeneous...
fk.testTwo-sample Fligner-Kileen test for homogeneous scales.
fp.testPlacement Test for the Behrens-Fisher problem.
gehan.testGehan generalization the Wilcoxon two-sample test
getxactDesign Function for Robust Analysis of Covariance
getxact2Design Function for Robust Analysis of Covariance
hemorrhageHemorrhage data from Dupont.
hodges_lehmann.ciHodges-Lehmann type estimation and confidence intervals.
hodgkinsRelapse-Free Survival Times for Hodgkin's Disease Patients
HoggsQsHogg's Q1 and Q2.
hogg.testHogg's Adaptive Test
huitema496Analysis of Covarince Data Set
insulationInsulating Fluid Data
internalInternal Functions
jonckheereJonckheere's Test for Ordered Alternatives
kancovaRobust Analysis of Covariance under Heterogeneous Slopes for...
kancovarownroutine used in the ANCOVA table obtained by kancova
knn_cvTrain a k nearest neighbors (knn) classifer via cross...
latourChateau Latour Wine Data
mood.ciMood Median Confidence Interval
onecovaRobust Analysis of Covariance under Heterogeneous Slopes
onecovaheterRobust Analysis of Covariance under Heterogeneous Slopes
onecovahomogRobust Analysis of Covariance under Heterogeneous Slopes
plankPlank data
plot.knn_cvplot function for knn_cv
polyA Simulated Polynomial Data Set.
polydegDegree of Polynomial Determination
printInternal print functions
prostateDES for treatment of prostate cancer.
quail2Quail from a two-factor experiment.
rank.testGeneral scores rank test for two sample problem
rcnrandom contaminated normal deviates
rcnxFat-Finger Error Contaminated Normal Deviates
rlaplaceRandom Laplace.
rsSimulated Regression Model
SCUDCyclone Data
seinfeldSeinfeld - the sitcom - viewership counts by episode
sieversDoksum and Sievers rat data
signtest_pvaluep-value for a one sample sign test
sim_class2A simulated classification example with two variables and two...
simonSimon (the memory game) dataset
sincosSine Cosine Model
speedPredict top speed based on miles per gallon
turtleTurtle Data
vanElteren.testvanElteren test for stratified analysis
weatherJanuary Weather Data for Kalamazoo
wilson.ciWilson (score) confidence interval for a population...
npsm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.