
context("Get information for a previously-prepared GBIF download")


test_that("download list retrievable from GBIF.org", {
    nchar(Sys.getenv("GBIF_EMAIL")) < 1,
    "GBIF Login information not available"

  GBIFLogin <- try(GBIFLoginManager(), silent = T)
  skip_if(is(GBIFLogin, "try-error"))

  test <- try(rgbif::occ_download_list(
    user = GBIFLogin@username,
    pwd = GBIFLogin@pwd, limit = 1,
  silent = T
  skip_if(class(test) != "occ_download", "GBIF login unsuccessful")

  GBIFLogin <- GBIFLoginManager()
  dl <- rgbif::occ_download_list(
    user = GBIFLogin@username,
    pwd = GBIFLogin@pwd,
    limit = 1000

  expect_true("results" %in% names(dl))

test_that("download list parseable by prevGBIFdownload", {

  GBIFLogin <- try(GBIFLoginManager(), silent = T)
  skip_if(is(GBIFLogin, "try-error"), "GBIF login unsuccessful")

  test <- try(rgbif::occ_download_list(
    user = GBIFLogin@username,
    pwd = GBIFLogin@pwd, limit = 1,
  silent = T
  skip_if(class(test) != "occ_download", "GBIF login unsuccessful")

  dl <- rgbif::occ_download_list(
    user = GBIFLogin@username,
    pwd = GBIFLogin@pwd,
    limit = 1000

  expect_true("request.predicate.key" %in% colnames(dl$results))
  expect_true("request.predicate.value" %in% colnames(dl$results))
  expect_true("request.predicate.predicates" %in% colnames(dl$results))
  expect_true(class(dl$results$request.predicate.predicates) == "list")
    FUN = function(x) {
      class(x) == "data.frame"

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occCite documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 5:09 p.m.