officer: Manipulate Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents with...

officerR Documentation

Manipulate Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents with 'officer'


The officer package facilitates access to and manipulation of 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' documents from R. It also supports the writing of 'RTF' documents.

Examples of usage are:

  • Create Word documents with tables, titles, TOC and graphics

  • Importation of Word and PowerPoint files into data objects

  • Write updated content back to a PowerPoint presentation

  • Clinical reporting automation

  • Production of reports from a shiny application

To start with officer, read about read_docx(), read_pptx() or rtf_doc().

The package is also providing several objects that can be printed in 'R Markdown' documents for advanced Word or PowerPoint reporting as run_autonum() and block_caption().


Maintainer: David Gohel


Other contributors:

See Also

The user documentation: and manuals

officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.