opts_current_table: Table options in a 'knitr' context

View source: R/knitr_utils.R

opts_current_tableR Documentation

Table options in a 'knitr' context


Get options for table rendering in a 'knitr' context. It should not be used by the end user, but its documentation should be read as a place where table options are documented when 'knitr' is used.

The function is a utility to facilitate the retrieval of table options supported by the 'flextable', 'officedown' and 'officer' packages.

These options should be set with knitr::opts_chunk$set(). The names and expected values are listed in the following sections.




a list

knitr chunk options for table captions

label name value
caption id/bookmark tab.id NULL
caption tab.cap NULL
display table caption on top of the table or not tab.topcaption TRUE
caption table sequence identifier. tab.lp "tab:"

knitr chunk options for Word table captions

label name value
Word stylename to use for table captions. tab.cap.style NULL
prefix for numbering chunk (default to "Table "). tab.cap.pre Table
suffix for numbering chunk (default to ": "). tab.cap.sep " :"
title number depth tab.cap.tnd 0
separator to use between title number and table number. tab.cap.tns "-"
caption prefix formatting properties tab.cap.fp_text fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)

knitr chunk options for Word tables

label name value
the Word stylename to use for tables tab.style NULL
autofit' or 'fixed' algorithm. tab.layout "autofit"
value of the preferred width of the table in percent (base 1). tab.width 1
Alternative title text tab.alt.title NULL
Alternative description text tab.alt.description NULL

knitr chunk options for data.frame with officedown

label name value
apply or remove formatting from the first row in the table first_row TRUE
apply or remove formatting from the first column in the table first_column FALSE
apply or remove formatting from the last row in the table last_row FALSE
apply or remove formatting from the last column in the table last_column FALSE
don't display odd and even rows no_hband TRUE
don't display odd and even columns no_vband TRUE

returned elements

  • cap.style (default: NULL)

  • cap.pre (default: "Table ")

  • cap.sep (default: ":")

  • cap.tnd (default: 0)

  • cap.tns (default: "-")

  • cap.fp_text (default: fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE))

  • id (default: NULL)

  • cap (default: NULL)

  • alt.title (default: NULL)

  • alt.description (default: NULL)

  • topcaption (default: TRUE)

  • style (default: NULL)

  • tab.lp (default: "tab:")

  • table_layout (default: "autofit")

  • table_width (default: 1)

  • first_row (default: TRUE)

  • first_column (default: FALSE)

  • last_row (default: FALSE)

  • last_column (default: FALSE)

  • no_hband (default: TRUE)

  • no_vband (default: TRUE)

See Also

Other functions for officer extensions: docx_reference_img(), fortify_location(), get_reference_value(), shape_properties_tags(), str_encode_to_rtf(), to_html(), to_pml(), to_rtf(), to_wml(), wml_link_images()

officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.