Man pages for ollg
Computes some Measures of OLL-G Family of Distributions

ANOLLGA New Odd log-logistic family of distributions (ANOLL-G)
BOLLGThe beta Odd log-logistic family of distributions (BOLL-G)
EOLLGExponentiated Odd log-logistic family of distributions...
GOLLGGeneralized Odd log-logistic family of distributions (GOLL-G)
KwOLLGKumaraswamy Odd log-logistic family of distributions...
MOOLLGMarshal-Olkin Odd log-logistic family of distributions...
NOLLGNew Odd log-logistic family of distributions (NOLL-G)
OBuGOdd Burr generated family of distributions (OBu-G)
OLLGOdd log-logistic family of distributions (OLL-G)
OLLLGOdd log-logistic logarithmic family of distributions (OLLL-G)
RBOLLGThe Ristic-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of...
ZBOLLGThe Zografos-Balakrishnan Odd log-logistic family of...
ollg documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:57 p.m.