Man pages for onion
Octonions and Quaternions

adjointThe adjoint map
ArithMethods for Function Arith in package Onion
associatorVarious non-field diagnostics
biggestReturns the biggest type of a set of onions
bindBinding of onionmats
bunnyThe Stanford Bunny
CompareMethods for compare S4 group
ComplexComplex functionality for onions
condenseCondense an onionic vector into a short form
cumsumCumulative sums and products of onions
dotClass "dot"
dropDrop zero imaginary parts of an onionic vector
ExtractExtract or Replace Parts of onions or glubs
lengthLength of an octonionic vector
LogicLogical operations on onions
MathVarious logarithmic and circular functions for onions
namesNames of an onionic vector
OilUnit onions
onionBasic onion functions
onion-classClass "onion"
onionmatOnionic matrices
onion-packageOctonions and Quaternions
orthogonalOrthogonal matrix equivalents
p3dThree dimensional plotting
plotPlot onions
prodsVarious products of two onions
repReplicate elements of onionic vectors
roctRandom onionic vectors
rotateRotates 3D vectors using quaternions
RoundRounding of onions
seqseq method for onions
showPrint method for onions
SummaryVarious summary statistics for onions
onion documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:22 a.m.